"juss wanted to take this one opportunity off the phone to tell you mean a lot to me,
forever it'll be,
my love that grows like a tree,
blossoms then is free....but never loses sight of the one alwayss there...the cousin, friend, sister.... you, jz"Jonathan Casey D. Zalamea. He..s my best friend, my best brother and my best cousin. He..s been there for me thru anything. No matter what happens he..s been putting me on his top list. had good times and bad times, but for us, all those bad times had been deleted and replaced with good memories. i love him with all my heart and i will always love him no matter what. been proud of him ever since. He has never put me down in any way. If he did, he would always try his hardest to cheer me up and it would always work. [DOG FACE]. i love all the memories we had together even though we would only see each other in every 2 years. There..s alot more things to say about him but it just won..t work through words. He..s too perfect to be described. i miss him a lot and i lovee him more than YOU! INEFFABLE DANCE GROUP
♥ THE i.D [m.i.a = cathy, mona, tony] The best people in the world. Too much to say about them because I SWEAR! just there to make me laugh nonstop! i love dancing with them. That..s our life! To dance and just be happy to be together. I love all of them and every single day i spend with them. You guys are the best. JESSICA IBAZETA
Jessica Rose Ibazeta. She's my bestest friend out there! She's been there for me every single time i need her. ALWAYS! We had our GREAT times and bad times. But always the good days. She means a lot to me. She knows me more than anyone else. She might not be there physically but i know i run through her head once in a while because that's how we are. We both think about each other once in a while. Nov. 22 '05. that's our day!! (: i lovee her and miss her sooo muchhh!! i'm thankful for GOD that i met her. i never regret any single day with her. it's always coz everything we do just makes our friendship stronger and stronger! she's the best. the perfect one! (: i loveee you behff! and thankss for everything too! give mee back my ipod! (:
Cloyd Allan Z. Trinidad. My brother could be the worst person in the world but i always loved him. Even though he gets sooo annoying, i can..t change the way i feel about him. been there for him thru anything and he has for me as well. He can cover up for me and sometimes snitches. He..s a nice kid when it comes to other girls. He would always want to cheer you up and will miss you like hell if he haven..t seen you in soo deep. He would treat you like how a boyfriend should treat a lady. i love him even though we always argue like every single day.
♥ NATHAN Nathan Lawrence Z. Bolo. One of the great cousins out there. He..s been there for me when I..m always down. He..s there when my FAVEE is not there for me. When i have problems with someone he knows, he will sit next to me and sweet talk me and just cheer me up. I love every single hugs and kisses he gives me just to make me feel better. I miss him badly as well. He..s a part of me too and i just love him too much.
♥ TRiXiE Anna Patricia Z. Maralit. Another cousin of mine that i thought i would never see again. I bonded with her again ever since i was 13. Mann oh mann. It..s funn being with her. Eating ice cream all the time and just having her weird moments. I miss her alot too because i could talk to her just like how i talk to Nathan. Both of them are just the best cousins too. always there for each other too. I miss her. and I love her.
♥ KUYA RAY Ranier Zalamea. HA! I don..t really know his full name. SORRYY! He..s great! He..s there for me all the time even if i don..t need him. His hugs cheers me up and especially his rides. He..s a sweetie. He spoils me alot. Starbucks guy! haha. I miss him! Although sometimes, he will never give up trying to make you laugh with his corny jokes, it..s still funny because he..s there and still trying to cheer you up. i lovee him!!
♥ ATE KiM. Kimberly E. Klaus. Newly wed cousin. I miss her. I actually bonded with her the last time i went to Texas. She..s great. She..s easy to talk to and everything. I love her. Our little shopping was the best. It..s funny because we have the same taste for shoes. (: Yeah she loved it! OUr little talks with the cousins. AWWW i..m glad she picked me out as one of her bridesmaids. I miss her.
Jaelin Tagatac. The best woman in the world! We have never been into an argument. Well maybe because we barely see each other. But even though, our friendship is still great! I miss her alot. We both got out backs on anything. I miss our breakfast in albertsons and our morning drinks at starbucks. my rides with her was just the greatest!!! i lovee her to death and i miss her
♥ MiMi MiMi Nguyen. She..s my slut! she..s been there for me even though we barely see each other. she..s my partner in crime. i miss her alot. We dance when we are bored. We do everything together. (: EAT! CHAT! TALK! PLAY! AHH! i miss her. bus rides with her was great. i loveee her and i miss her alot.
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I'd like to meet:
"You're the only girl that i can tell that i love you with all my heart."i NEED someone that won't make me their life but still have time for me in it. I'm not ready to get married. i'm not ready to have a baby. i NEED someone who won't think about the future just yet, but think about the present. Someone who will give me all their attention especially when i need it. Someone who can spoil me with happiness. Someone who gives me surprises, not only on occasions, but during regular days. Someone that can dance with me while i'm sad, even if he don't know how. Someone that will put me on his top list. Someone who will take care of me even if i'm not sick. Someone who's really really sweet. Someone that can make me tear up while laughing.Someone that only talks to me and no other girls. i want him to be just mine. i want him to show me that he loves me for my personality. i don't want a guy that's up for sex! Someone that i can love till i dieee...