Stone Creek Cabins Try this Link---These are my dads cabins...
Firefighting and EMS
How long have u been in emergency services? SINCE 1988
How many departments do you run with? 1
What is your favorite piece of aparatus to ride on? ENGINE
How many pieces of aparatus does your station have? 2 ENGINE AND RESCUE +RESCUE BOAT AND TECH RESCUE TRAILER
Have you ever been first line in? YES
Did you ever get hurt in a fire? NO
Do you have your EMT? NO
How many ambulance calls have you run? NONE
Are you or have you ever been a line officer?
Did u ever belong to a paid department? NO
What is the longest time you were ever on a call? NOT SURE BUT BEEN ON SOME LONG ONES
How many certifications do you have? SEVERAL
Have you ever been called a wacker? YES JUST NOW
Do you have a blue light/red light? YES....SEVERAL
Do you have more than one light on your POV?
How many fire/ems stickers do you have on your vehicle? NONE
How many pagers do you have? 2
How often are you at the fire house, or is it your second home? JUST WHEN THERE IS A CALL OR A MEETING
Are you a JR. or a Sr. fire fighter? SR
If you are a paid emt do you perfer als or bls?
Have you ever been to a fatal fire or accident? YES
Do you have a nextel cell phone? YES
How many parades do you go to every year? 1 OR 2
Ever get drunk at a fire house function? NO