Till Death Do Us Part! profile picture

Till Death Do Us Part!

About Me

Oh WeLl LEt'Z SeE wHaT yOu ShOuLd KnOw AbOuT mE...MY NAmE is BaBaK.I'm 22 YeArS OLd FrOm MiDdLe EaSt Got BlAcK HaIr aNd BiG bRoWn EyEs I wAs BoRn ThErE aNd LiVeD tHeRe FoR 14 YeArs.AnD i MoVeD tO TuRkY fOr 2 YeArS.AnD i EnD uP iN 801 WhIcH SuCkS AsS. i WaSn'T uSeD tO lIvE tHiS wAy BuT gOt UsE tO iT sTiLl HaViNg PrObLeMs BuT oH wElL i'Ll GeT oVeR iT. gOt To mUcH eXpErIeNcE iN lIfE i BeEn DeAlInG wHiT aLoT'z Of DiFfErEnT pEoPlE.BuT AnY wAyS jUsT gOt iN tHiS MySpAcE tHiNg To FiNd MoRe FrIeNdS aNd NoT bE bOaRd. YoU wAnT kNoW mOrE sEnD mE aN mEsSaGe.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I like to meet a person that has Experience with their life not like the girls that don't know shit about Boys or Life Or other things, not the ones that all they know it'z how pretty or sexy they look or they are the shit. i like a person that it'z down for every thing, likes movies, likes to drink and hang out, a person that is out going.

My Blog

Do Ya Know What SORRY is

  Do you believe in SORRY?! Why do people say sorry!!! By saying sorry, what are they trying to say! That they feel bad about what they have done? Or do they say it to just get away from what th...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 22:42:00 GMT

What is love

  WHAT IS LOVE!? Love does not mean any thing to me, Why?! Because How long would take a person to fall in love, know what love means, and why they feel this way. Do they mean it when t...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Nov 2005 20:25:00 GMT