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#19 Oregon Ducks
Houston W 48-27
@ Michigan W 39-7
- Zach Braff- Darren Aronofsky- Tom Hanks- Steven Spielberg- Ryan Gosling- Jared Leto
- Atreyu - The spill Canvas - Motzart Season - In Fair Verona - The Axe that chopped down the cherry tree - Flipside - 30 seconds to Mars - Flight of the Conchords - Silversten - Farewell unknown - Trapt - The Fray - The audition is... - Matchbook romance - Bayside - PANIC! at the disco - As i lay dying - Hawthorne Heights - Taking Back Sunday - The Vanished - From First to Last - Straylight Run - Daphne Loves Derby - Avenged Sevenfold - Moby - The Cary Brothers - Maydae Parade - The Audition - +44 - Blink 182 - Box Car Racer - Frou Frou - Beatles - Kansas - Kiss - Stone Temple Pilots - Lamb of God - Everytime I Die - Saosin - The Chemistry
- Reqiuem for a Dream - American Beauty - Virgin Suicides - Gladiator - Party Monster - Wedding Crashers - Blazzing Saddles - SpaceBalls - Forrest Gump - Team America - DONNIE DARKO - 40 year old virgin - Chumscrubber - American History X - The Believer - Pirates of the Carribean - Trainspotting - Dazed and Confused - K.I.D.S. - Seven Samurai - The Outlaw Josey Wales - The Good,The Bad,And the Ugly - Fist full of Dollars - Die Hard - Super Troopers - Green Street Holigans - Pride & Prejedice - The Ice Harvest - Saw - Big - SNAKES ON A PLANE - Garden State - The Squid and the Whale - Pi - The Fountain - The Silence of the Lambs - The Last Kiss - Yojimbo - The Royal Tenebaums - Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou - Akira - Knocked Up - Star Wars - Lord of the Rings - Chronicles of Narnia - Heat - Deer Hunter - Godfather - Collaterall - Miami Vice - Taxi Driver - Dirty Harry - The Patriot - Brick - Fargo - Spiderman - A clockwork Orange - Man on the Moon - Enternal sunshine of the Spotless Mind
- Rome
- Deadwood
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force
- Nip Tuck
- Mad TV
- South Park
- Grey's Anatomy
- House
- Bones
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- Hell's Kitchen
- Requiem for a Dream - 1984 - To Kill A Mockingbird - A clockwork Orange - Five Million Pieces - Disco Bloodbath - Pride & Prejudice - Bible - Lord of the Rings - Bourne Trilogy - Harry Potter series
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