subway. sleeping in. going out. hair. color. long, ridiculous conversations. laughing so hard it hurts. prehistoric romance novels. focus groups. sleep studies. america's next top model recaps on twop. pictures. journals. big chicks. scruff. paint swatches. courtyard buildings. the view from my desk. appropriateness/inappropriateness. queen beds. wishing i were shorter. updos. genuine surprises. genuineness in general. straighttalkers. summer destination 2008: NOAH'S ARK!
people who need a new stylist!!! people who aren't Bad News. people that don't take themselves too seriously, and have a sense of and taste for the ridiculous. and people who can dance like they mean it, because you better if you wanna roll with me.
prince, texas, and phoenix. i'm glad she's having a comeback and all, but i kind of like my robyn like this:
Labyrinth, Deceived, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Clueless, Moulin Rouge. Donnie Darko. Step Up 2: THE STREETS. If you think i'm kidding, i dare you to watch this and tell me it's not totally amazing:
i spent most of my childhood watching stuff like this:
Currently reading (!) Stiff
romain duris, but just for his hotness