Fad23 profile picture


You got your parody in my satire!

About Me

I'm into comics, swing dancing and food.
I write for a comics website called Broken Frontier.
Check it out by clicking on the link below.
If you want a solid, fun bit of swing dancing instruction, I've just been asked to be the semi-regular beginning Lindy Hop instructor at Lindy Groove . Check the classes out on Thursdays at 7:30pm in scenic Pasadena, CA
Also, I've created a mini-comic called I Can't Draw
Here's a sample:
And another:
Copyright 2006 Neil Figuracion
The title of the book says it all. Send me a private message if you want to pick up a copy. I've got a bunch.
Here's some footage of a jam at the second annual 24 Hour Cancer Dance-a-thon . I can be seen dancing in the last few seconds of the clip with my friend Leilani.
Video provided by Kasey Houston
And another of me goofing around with my pal Laura:
You May Be a Bit Schizotypal...
A bit odd and socially isolated.
You couldn't care less of what others think.
And some of your beliefs are a little weird.
Like that time you thought you were Jesus. What Personality Disorder Are You?
You are Superman Superman 65% Supergirl 65% Spider-Man 55% Batman 55% Green Lantern 55% Hulk 50% Wonder Woman 45% Catwoman 45% Iron Man 45% The Flash 40% Robin 35% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...
My score on The Post-Apocalyptic Survival Test :
The lucky fool.
(You scored 50 Strength, 48 Guile, 47 Morality, and 64 Survival Rate!)
You made it! You didn't come out ontop, but people like you! You can help to rebuild civilization... well... you would help if you could, but you're actually pretty useless.
Link: The Post-Apocalyptic Survival Test
Images hosted by ImageShack.

My Interests

I'm into the old school Jitterbug, Comics, Movies, Games, Food.

View my page on LA Games

At my core, I'm a Jitterbug. I dance.

Writing - good writing especially. Trying to improve upon the skills I learned in college. I wrote a play, The Friend Box, which I'd like to see on stage. Blame it on my late father (I miss him) who promised me a quarter for every poem I wrote.

Teaching - I've been helping people learn things for about twenty years now and I'm good at it. Every now and then someone tells me that I was their first Swing teacher, and that's why they're still around. There are some great dancers who've told me that I was the one to help them break through their creative barriers! Both are great to hear! Dance is first and Math comes a close second, but what I really hope to teach is how to be true.

One of the things I want people to learn: How to breathe.

Performing - I majored in drama. I love Improv (while active, I wasn't as good as I thought I was, but I've learned some things since then) and Meisner-style repetition. Spent some time (in the mid 90s) doing stand-up comedy. Before I got into jitterbug I had a public access show about comic books called The Back Issue Bin.

Cooking - Well, everything after Grilled Cheese Sandwiches and packaged Macaroni and Cheese I had to learn by myself. The Food Network is responsible for my more recent skills. If I was a better housekeeper, I'd probably cook more. I'm really bad at doing dishes.

Also, lately, I've been playing board games. Meet me at Game Empire on Wednesdays and Sundays!

And this is at the same place, but only more people show up!

Click here to check out
The Pasadena Boardgames Meetup Group!


Just say no to Clearchannel
I get most of my musical kicks from browsing record stores like Amoeba and public radio station KCRW . I surprised myself by enjoying the Britney Spears Retrospective DVD, and some tracks I downloaded by Christina Aguilera. People laugh when they hear that I'd never heard these artists before 2005.

Of the earlier to mid twentieth century

Jack Teagarden - He played a slide and he sang smooth. Plus, his name was drug reference.

Jimmie Lunceford - when the old-timers told me what music made swing, they told me this

Big Mama Thornton - Her Hound Dog is infinitely superior to Elvis' version.

Spike Jones - If anyone captured the pure random idiocy of life, it was Spike Jones. If anyone predicted the craze of "more cowbell" it would have been him. Not to be confused with music video and feature film director Spike Jonze .

Igor Stravinsky - The music of rebellion If swing was the hip hop of the 30s, then this was the punk.
I grew myself up on the music of the 60s and 70s.

The Beatles - John, Paul, George and Ringo I hope you don't need me to tell you who they were
The Buffalo Springfield - the collaboration between Stephen Stills, Neil Young and others
I'm told the first song I ever sang was Turn, Turn, Turn by the Byrds .

I lost a good portion of my hearing at a Dio / Y&T / Dokken concert when I was thirteen. My ears still ring. People don't believe it, but it's true.

One of these things does not go together.

More to come!


We're all artists. Especially those of us who don't know what we're doing.

This film reminds me that we're not alone, and about the meaning of forgiveness.

Harold and Maude
- Life, love and death. It's worthwhile.

We're all artists. Especially those of us who don't know what we're doing.

This movie has graphic sex and a very deep heart and soul.


I like TV shows that get cancelled. I'm loving Ugly Betty right now, which doesn't seem close to cancellation yet.Freaks and Geeks, Wonderfalls, Arrested Development, Firefly, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Twilight Zone, and a bunch of stuff on The Food Network.


Lots of them.


Hilary Alexander is my new f'ing hero!
Scott McCloud - He's the Marshall McLuhan of the Sequential Arts! I don't agree with everything he's said, but he deserves commendation for starting the debate so eloquently! He also wrote my favorite comics book ever: Zot!.
Joss Whedon - the man behind Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Serenity. He's a writer nonpareil with an incredible sense of humor. He knows how to handle characters!
Alan Moore - My favorite writer bar none! I'm sick to learn that everything he's published is a first draft. He's also helped introduce readers like me to occult study.
Emperor Norton I - The first and only Emperor of the United States.
Aleister Crowley - The Great Beast! In the 30s, he used a lot of drugs and talked about raising demons. It may have been his intention to scare away those who weren't ready for his message.
Crowley's mottoes:
Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.
Love is the law, the law under will

My Blog

In the meantime

Since I last posted, I have started to re-transition back to public transit. Driving is a hassle mostly. More money than the luxury is worth. Strangely enough I'm getting more done, like reading. Just...
Posted by Fad23 on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 02:03:00 PST

A short thought during laundry

Something I thought while I was doing laundry this morning:Just because it shouldn't doesn't mean it doesn't.Thinking about it now, it could probably go - Just because it shouldn't doesn't mean it won...
Posted by Fad23 on Tue, 25 Sep 2007 01:29:00 PST

Strategicon Gateway 2007

Just got back from working at Gateway 2007. It was a great time where we played Werewolf until 6 in the morning. Half my time was spent running events, though I did have time to compete and win in ...
Posted by Fad23 on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 01:14:00 PST


The Lindy Hop world needs fewer rock stars and more folk singers. Or maybe a John Lennon...Someone who actually says something important, only dancing.
Posted by Fad23 on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 02:13:00 PST

My blackmail video + Frozen Out & Snap!

A blast from the past - This is me and Trager's then girlfriend Katie dancing on the slab at Catalina in 2001 in the first (and only) "Hal" Balboa contest. I can't believe this was only six years ago....
Posted by Fad23 on Sat, 14 Jul 2007 09:23:00 PST

Project Bullseye

This is my latest workshop script. It's still pretty rough. Things had to change in the formatting, especially when the geography became clearer to me. Also, I wanted to do something different from my...
Posted by Fad23 on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 09:40:00 PST

In memoriam, Daniel Robert Epstein

The body of Daniel Robert Epstein, age 31, was found yesterday morning by his wife. The news has made me sadder than any news I've heard in a while. If you don't know his work, Epstein was one of my f...
Posted by Fad23 on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 12:31:00 PST

When your mind's made up

This is the movie I want to see more than anything else at the moment: OnceWhen my week straightens itself out, I'll be at the Arclight! Maybe even tonight...While I'm plugging stuff, I shou...
Posted by Fad23 on Mon, 21 May 2007 08:51:00 PST

Big Game

There are a bunch of things (even some of my rarely seen fiction) in this post, so feel free to look around. Firstly, please watch Drive. It's a fun new show that premiered on Fox this weekend, and I'...
Posted by Fad23 on Wed, 18 Apr 2007 06:06:00 PST

Buckets, in many varieties

RustbucketSomeone gave me a car. I'm not planning to use it very much. However, someone invited me to a wedding at the last second for this weekend, and it will help me get there. I'm hoping I can par...
Posted by Fad23 on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 04:10:00 PST