HaYdEn profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey.. Im HaYDeN . IM 21 yeArS olD. Im currently WoRking FoR HomE DePoT in FrAnKliN. I HaVE WoNdErFuL PaREnTs. THeY mEaN tHe WoRlD to mE . My BroThER iS My BeST FriENd. HiM and He'S giRlfRiEnD jUsT HaD A lItTlE Girl. SHe's Soo BeaUiTful. She lookS juST LIkE hEr dAdDy. MY Family iS vERy CloSE tO my BroTHeR anD i. We'rE pReTty mUch spoIleD. Out oF thE 3 oF uS kiDs, Im thE onlY onE wHo Still LivES AT Home.. HEy itS Free. :) MY TwiN SisTER IS maRrIed and HaS two Little Girls., KaRa who is 2years old and Kyler who is One years old. My sIstER is Haveing HeR 3rd bAbY in Feb 2008. AnYtHinG ElSE juST ask . Haydenfound this polka layout at HOT FreeLayouts.com :: MyHotComments

My Interests

anything thats fun and exciteding...
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i like just about everything .. expect rock and metal .. and bluegrass ..


scary and love stories


Mtv.. ...


don't read


my hEro iS mY bRoThER and My moM aNd DaD

My Blog

everything changes

Everything ChangesIf you just walked away What could I really say? Would it matter anyway? Would it change how you feel?I am the mess you choose The closet you cannot close The devil in yo...
Posted by HaYdEn on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 02:59:00 PST

about me

* im just me * * ive got an amazing family * * i love my brother and sister so much * * ive got 3 nieces and 1 nephew * * i love my momma and daddy so much * * i'll be the first to say that i'm a spoi...
Posted by HaYdEn on Fri, 12 Oct 2007 09:13:00 PST