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I am here for Friends

About Me

bOut meeH?!.. i'm qUiet with a person I reaLLy dON't knOW yEt tHAt's wHy sOMe peOpLe tHinK i'm a snOB.. in tRUth, thOUgh, i'm nOt..rEaLLy.. i cAn bE a vErY gOod fRiEnd, as LOng as uLL be tReAtin mE tHe wAy i waNt tO be tReaTed.. it'S nOt haRd tO bEfRiend mE..believe me.. i'm nOt peRFect pERson mEdyo MooDy, toPAkin Or wHatEver bUt wHEn tiMe cOmeS tHAt you'LL nEed somEOne tO LeaN On, i caN asSurE yoU na kAHit waLa aKO sa sARiLi kO, i'LL aLwayS bE tHeRe fOr a fRieNd.. senSitiVE, oUtgOing, LoveS tO LaUgH aNd mAKe pEopLe LAugH.. shOPping is a way Of reCrEatiOn fOr mE.. wHen tHe gOiNg gETs tOUgh, i gO sHOpPinG!.. hehe! kAYa I LOve sHOpping eH.. LOLzz! cOfFeE LOvEr.. mY LiFe's nOt ThAt gREat aNd i hAvE a LiTtLe tO oFfeR, i'vE bEen tHrOugh a Lot Of sHit aNd i'Ve sHed So mANy tEArs.. i'M aLSo a siMpLe pErSon wiTH a LOt Of dreams.. i'M a pRaCtiCaL pERson wiTH a big hEARt.. OhHhH, aNd thErE's oNe tHing i aBsOLutELy aDOre... -- giMmiK eVeRy fRiDaY nYt!...

My Interests

:ciGs:FrEnCh tiP:wAtcHiN mOviEs:bEaCh:mAkEs OthEr LifE miSeRabLe:iPOD:sUrfiN d'nEt:TimOg:[sAtUrdAy nYts]:cHiCkEn:sHoPpiN:sAnDaLs:cLOtHeS:

I'd like to meet:

aNyOnE....aDd mE [email protected]!=')


tiPsY..kArMa..bEwArE Of d'bOys..bAby iTs yOu..sUnShiNe


fEnG sHUi:sPiDeRmAn:rEsiDeNt EviL:nAtiOnAL tReaSuRe:mEet d'FOcKeRs:hiTCH


eXtRa cHaLLenGe:gOiN bULiLit


nO fAvE bOOks!


rEgAL shOcKeRs, d'bOdiEs & mOtHeR...