I love free time, in fact wish i had some more, but its nice to keep busy.
Kylie Minogue and Madonna.
Kylie Minogue is my favorite singer of all time. My best friend and I went to see her in London and she was absolutely amazing. For doing a two hour show seven days in a row her voice sounded flawelss and that grl can entertain. She is very aware of her gay audience. I love my gal Hilly Duff but Kylie is all live, no background tape. I love dance music. Anything with a beat that keeps me movin...
I think my favorite movie is Poltergeist. I still dont like to do cemeteries. Dead people totally could be angry, or am i wrong here?
TV is the best thing ever. I never get to watch it and all my favorite shows seem to be gone but what u gonna do. My favorite show of all time had to be Melrose Place.
My favorite book ever has to be The Great Gatsby. Everyone always gives me a look because it is definitely a high school requirement but I love the story and the smbolism behind it. I will never forget the research paper I had to do in the 11th grade about Dr. Eckleburg's eyes. And this book seemed to creep into a speach I had to give at Bentley. But if you want a great beach read, get Kirstie Alley's How to Lose Your Ass and Regain Your Life. Its a riot, its such crap literature but it will make you laugh.