Travel, Scuba Diving, Boating, Movies, Internet Reading, Candy, Texas Hold'em, UT Football, Siamese Cats, Travel, Meeting new friends, Running into old friends, Spending time with my wonderful family & friends, MADD, Animals, Donating to help orphaned animals, Eating Junk Food, Children (teaching/volunteering), oh -and did I mention Traveling??? And, hopefully soon... not just scuba diving, but sky diving. Gotta conquer my fear of flying and falling somehow, right!!??
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Forget books! This space is for My "BADs":
By popular demand...(cuz I get this question a lot)... what are my bad qualities?
Ok, let me try to be objective about this (o-Lord it's hard to be humble...LOL).
I tend to mumble in my sleep, I could easily win the world record for 2 things: shortest fuse and most gullible. More bads: I'm opinionated, stubborn, spoiled, and if you complain to my parents that I'm spoiled, they'll simply respond that "it's ur job to spoil her more". Trying to wake me up in the morning is hazardous and comprimises your safety. My alarm goes off for at least 1 hour straight b4 I get my ars out of bed. I pout when I don't get my way. Now in all fairness, don't come down too hard on me b/cuz I'm trying to b honest here... shall I continue? Ok- I have no control over my phobias and will go into full "freakout" mode at the sign of a roach (don't worry - if ur afraid of spiders or snakes - I'll save u if u save me). And yes, I'll post a blog on my roach and bug phobia so you can understand where I'm coming from. As much as I try to deny it, sometimes I curse like a sailor. I think I've said enough in terms of talking bad about myself! This should satisfy most; but, if not "most"- feel free to inquire further or send me your comments.
Farrah Fawcett for pointing out that:
"The reason the all-American boy prefers beauty to brains is that the all-American boy can see better than he can think."
Mark Twain for inspiring me to:
"Always do right" because it "will gratify some and astonish the rest."
MLK, Jr. for inspiring me to work hard and be proud:
"If a man is called to be a street sweeper, he should sweep streets even as Michelangelo painted, or Beethoven played music, or Shakespeare wrote poetry. He should sweep streets so well that all the hosts of heaven and earth will pause to say, here lived a great street sweeper who did his job well."
Iris Murdoch for wisdom on knowing love:
"Love is the extremely difficult realization that something other than oneself is real."