I love being mommy & wifey. That's pretty much it. I'm complete. Well actually, throw in some sushi, vanilla lattes and an occasional sunset watch, then life is even better.
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Already met him and we made 2 miracles together, their names are Khalia and Kaylie.
I used to like R&B n Hip Hop, but I think I got old, cuz now it just sounds like noize!! All of a sudden, I find myself liking easy listening... easy like a sunday mornin... a lil jazz... a lil reggae.. a lil nora.. sometimez a lil mozart & pachelbel..
whatever's on rental, cuz we can't go to the movies these days
LOST, Alias, Bones, My Name is Earl, and I'm still faithful to All My Children, Buffy & Angel reruns.... that's when it's my turn. When it's my daughter's turn, it's all about TIVO... JOJO, & Little Einsteins.
Hmmm... all I have time for now are books Khalia likes which is cool until she asks me to read it for the 20th time... "Dr. Seus, Disney Princess Collection, Rolie Polie Olie" u get the picture...
My hubby, is that corny? But really, he's like Macgyver!!! He can literally do anything... he turned a rainy camping spot into a cozy living room w/ a tarp for a roof... he made moving into a new home a breeze.. he cleans, he cooks, he can fix anything... and most importanly, HE GOT ME THROUGH 21 HRS of LABOR!!! If that ain't a hero, I don't know what is...