Sparky (spär•kē) v. 1 throwing off sparks 2 li profile picture

Sparky (spär•kē) v. 1 throwing off sparks 2 li

I am here for Friends

About Me

Sorry about the sound guys, but during recording the microphone sensitivity was turned up too high and it wasn't til they edited it that they found out. Anyways, here's a video testimony that I did for youth group...Sparky's Testimony

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My name is Kreig Caporale. You can call me Sparky (keep reading for the story of the name Sparky.) I have ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder for those who don't know) and I'm crazy about God. I'm 19 years old and I drive a piece of crap car (a '97 Nissan 200SX for those who want to know) with blown speakers, that I still blast as loud as I want to, and a huge dent on the rear passenger side. I ate Oreos covered in ketchup on a dare at school once and liked it so much that it is now one of my favorite snacks and I would recommend that people should try it at least once before they decide not to like it because it is really good and fun to eat late at night at Denny's and on long road trips. I’m fun to hang out with because I'm funny and have a great personality. I am VERY weird. I am a complete and total Jesus/Star Wars freak. I can tell you just about anything you want to know about either one and my devotion to both is final. In other words, I love God NOT Satan, I love Star Wars NOT Star Trek, and nothing at all will ever change that. I go to 2 different youth groups, Shockwave at Family Christian Center on Tuesdays and Engage at Real Life Christian on Wednesdays, and I love God with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my mind, and with all my strength. For those of you who haven’t seen me for a while, whether it’s been since elementary or if it’s only been since last year, I’m not exactly the person I used to be. I’ve gone through a lot of changes in my life, some for the worse and some for the better. The greatest and most prominent change in my life though is the fact that I now both know God and live my life for Him. I am not afraid to let my fire burn in public for all to see hence the name Sparky. This is not the reason I originally got the name Sparky though. When I was in 9th grade a senior named Corey Taylor just started calling me Sparky out of the blue. I don’t know why he did it (one of the theories behind it though states that it was probably because I used to dye my hair red) but ever since then the name just sort of stuck with me. I ended up getting a dog tag made with SPARKY engraved on it and next thing you know everyone, including my teachers, started to call me Sparky. The name is actually fitting for me considering I am loyal to God like a dog is loyal to his owner and, as the word sparky is defined, I am giving off sparks to ignite the fire of God in others and I am lively. I believe that it is not my duty as a Christian to tell you how my relationship with God developed but to instead to tell you how to develop your own. I also believe that just telling you how to develop your own relationship with God is not enough I must also help you to further develop it until you are 100% fully devoted to God as I am. If you think all this is a little extreme wait until you hear my battle cry. Yes, I have a battle cry. After all this is a war we’re in AND I’M ON THE FRONTLINES BABY! WHOO HOO!!!!! Jesus Christ did not give His life to start a social club; His church was meant to be an army! Now look what you’ve done. You just had to get me fired up didn’t you? Man I love God! For those of you who have already given your life to Christ WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR? Are you on the frontlines too? Does your life reflect the fact that you’re His? How about your MySpace profile? Does it tell more about you than it does God? If your answers to the last 4 questions are (respectively) no, no, what about it?, and yes, then you need to realize something. An evil enemy is marching across our country intent on destroying the souls of your unsaved friends…Are you going to just stand by? Run to the battle and join me and the millions of others who are taking a stand and already fighting. Go pick up a copy of the book Battle Cry for MY Generation by Ron Luce, read it, and get out there! And finally for those of you who don’t know me but just viewed my profile out of interest, if you’ve been reading my about me section this far, I hope that something I have said has profoundly stood out to you and impacted your life. After all that is my goal. Keep in mind that I may not add you as a friend right away or even at all. So don’t try it. Instead if you want to know more about God and how he changed my life then leave me a message. If you are truly seeking God and after I’ve gotten to know you a bit better I would love to add you as a friend…if you still want me as a friend that is. Nevertheless whoever you are and whatever your decision is I will pray for you and your safety. With that said, I give you my blessings and encouragement in Jesus Christ unto the glory and praise of God, Amen.
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My Interests

Living my life for Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, Star Wars, making people laugh and smile til it hurts, ketchup and oreos (see about me), camping, anything that will get me out of the house, anything that brings others to know Jesus personally, food, girls, stupid stuff, you, swimming, parties, spending extremely long amounts of time doing nothing at such places as Target, the mall, etc., what I just said but with money, whatever your doing, moshing (in the form of worshiping God), mud-bogging, driving, praising God while driving with the windows down, singing to glorify God, drumming...oh yeah and saving my generation!

I'd like to meet:

Jesus and you in heaven someday. So you better be there!I got my contact table at Christian Contact Tables ... I edited my profile at Free Christian Layouts , check out these Christian Myspace Layouts!


Anything that glorifies and praises God and/or will usher me into His presense.


Spiderman (all of them), Star Wars (all of them), Pirates of the Caribbean (all of them), Indiana Jones (all of them), anything by George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and Tim Burton, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, A Christmas Story, and a whole lot of others that I don't feel like listingYour results:
You are Spider-Man Spider-Man 85% Hulk 70% The Flash 70% Green Lantern 70% Robin 60% Iron Man 60% Superman 55% Catwoman 55% Supergirl 43% Wonder Woman 43% Batman 30% You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...


I no longer watch TV due to lack of moral...but here are some things that SHOULD be on TV.
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The Bible, the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins (I recommend this series if you want to know more about the end times), BATTLE CRY FOR MY GENERATION by Ron Luce (I also strongly recommend reading this book if you are into God), How Now Shall We Live by Charles Colson, any thing that furthers my walk with God, and Star Wars novels (especially ones by Timothy Zahn and Kevin J. Anderson)


Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior for dying to free me from my sins and giving my life meaning, my mom for counseling me, praying for me, not giving up on me, and doing all she could and can to keep me straight, my dad for holding me back when I need it the most, my older sister for being an awesome friend who was always there for me through the years, all my friends for being such awesome influences and impacting my life for the better, and my grandpa, my 4 uncles, and my brother-in-law for teaching me everything that my dad did in a way I could actually understand. Thanks again for all the inspiration. I love you all and God bless!
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My Blog

I hope this inspires more of you guys to take the same action...

Whoever receives this, Just know that I love MySpace but am very unsatisfied with some of the content (ie. advertisments, and featured videos). They are very inappropriate for some viewers. I really d...
Posted by Sparky (spär"k) v. 1 throwing off sparks 2 lively on Thu, 17 May 2007 05:33:00 PST

Nothing too long...But still worth a read!

First of all allow me to state the obvious. GOD IS GREAT! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Anyways, Last night during worship I just re-fell in love with God. It was AMAZING! All I could do is just dance before th...
Posted by Sparky (spär"k) v. 1 throwing off sparks 2 lively on Tue, 13 Mar 2007 06:57:00 PST

Men's LTE Paper

During this LTE God awakened my need and desire to stand up and take charge of my 2 ½ square feet know as my life. I need to be more disciplined and serious about what I do. One of the ways I can do t...
Posted by Sparky (spär"k) v. 1 throwing off sparks 2 lively on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 05:09:00 PST

Fasting Paper

Wow! During the fasting Mondays God has really led me to many new experiences and understandings. To start off I must say that I have enjoyed fasting much more than I ever thought I would have. It is ...
Posted by Sparky (spär"k) v. 1 throwing off sparks 2 lively on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 05:08:00 PST


My day was just so great! It all starts out in the morning on the way to breakfast! I was snowing! I was so happy! Wait a minute! Where are you going?!?! It gets much better! Trust me! So after breakf...
Posted by Sparky (spär"k) v. 1 throwing off sparks 2 lively on Fri, 16 Feb 2007 08:17:00 PST

Yeah. I just thought I'd throw this out there...

I completely agree with disliking Christianity as a religion, however true Christians see it as more of a relationship because in essence that's what it is. True Christianity comes from having a relat...
Posted by Sparky (spär"k) v. 1 throwing off sparks 2 lively on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 09:14:00 PST

Magnitude of the Crisis

ATTACK ON A GENERATION Today's teens are being attacked by popular culture like no other generation. Hollywood, the music industry, advertisers, and even the mainstream media are using their arsenal o...
Posted by Sparky (spär"k) v. 1 throwing off sparks 2 lively on Wed, 20 Dec 2006 08:34:00 PST

Reveal Your Cross To Me (lyrics)

Reveal Your cross to me, how You paid the priceGave Your life to death, a willing sacrificeReveal Your cross to me, how they cried for YouTo be crucified, not believing YouAnd I see Your blood, runnin...
Posted by Sparky (spär"k) v. 1 throwing off sparks 2 lively on Mon, 30 Oct 2006 11:08:00 PST


It took me a couple of months but I finally shaved. I guess that's what happens when your home all day with nothing else to do but schoolwork. I don't know what came over me I just did it. It was...
Posted by Sparky (spär"k) v. 1 throwing off sparks 2 lively on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 06:09:00 PST


From a strictly mathematical viewpoint:What equals 100%?What does it mean to give MORE than 100%?Ever wonder about those people who say they are giving more than 100%?We have all been in situations wh...
Posted by Sparky (spär"k) v. 1 throwing off sparks 2 lively on Thu, 19 Oct 2006 12:11:00 PST