Living my life for Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, Star Wars, making people laugh and smile til it hurts, ketchup and oreos (see about me), camping, anything that will get me out of the house, anything that brings others to know Jesus personally, food, girls, stupid stuff, you, swimming, parties, spending extremely long amounts of time doing nothing at such places as Target, the mall, etc., what I just said but with money, whatever your doing, moshing (in the form of worshiping God), mud-bogging, driving, praising God while driving with the windows down, singing to glorify God, drumming...oh yeah and saving my generation!
Jesus and you in heaven someday. So you better be there!I got my contact table at Christian Contact Tables ...
I edited my profile at Free Christian Layouts , check out these Christian Myspace Layouts!
Anything that glorifies and praises God and/or will usher me into His presense.
Spiderman (all of them), Star Wars (all of them), Pirates of the Caribbean (all of them), Indiana Jones (all of them), anything by George Lucas, Steven Spielberg, and Tim Burton, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, A Christmas Story, and a whole lot of others that I don't feel like listingYour results:
You are Spider-Man
The Flash
Green Lantern
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...
I no longer watch TV due to lack of moral...but here are some things that SHOULD be on TV.
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The Bible, the Left Behind series by Tim LaHaye and Jerry B. Jenkins (I recommend this series if you want to know more about the end times), BATTLE CRY FOR MY GENERATION by Ron Luce (I also strongly recommend reading this book if you are into God), How Now Shall We Live by Charles Colson, any thing that furthers my walk with God, and Star Wars novels (especially ones by Timothy Zahn and Kevin J. Anderson)
Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior for dying to free me from my sins and giving my life meaning, my mom for counseling me, praying for me, not giving up on me, and doing all she could and can to keep me straight, my dad for holding me back when I need it the most, my older sister for being an awesome friend who was always there for me through the years, all my friends for being such awesome influences and impacting my life for the better, and my grandpa, my 4 uncles, and my brother-in-law for teaching me everything that my dad did in a way I could actually understand. Thanks again for all the inspiration. I love you all and God bless!
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