i like to hang out with my small possy that i have assembled over the years and pretty much do it all. weather it being getting drunker than a mother fucker on any day of the week, or enjoying a nice game of scrabble or upwords. i like also go to the casino when i have a bit of expendable income (or attempt to make some income). go to the movies, playing video games from time to time, ect. ect.
who ever. there is no thing as too many friends. however, if you are one of those bitchy types then "get off me!" but i like almost anyone. when it comes to women i all ready have one who makes me laugh and who is witty, sweet, and after a long day of having the world treat me as its doormat is there for me to tell me that its going to be all right and loves me with all her heart!!
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any type and i mean any type of music. i like rap, hip-hop, country, alternative, jazz, rock, oldies (but goodies) and the list goes on. i cant discriminate all music from one type.
wedding crashers, beerfest, supertroopers, desperado, office space, kill bill, dodge ball, john q, training day, breakfast club, the list goes on. i like anything from disney movies to porn, what ever tickles my fancy at the moment
i dont really watch tv that much because i work so flippin much but i do allways make time for my Nip/Tuck and occasionally "Yo Mamma"
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my father. hands down. he would do anything to take care of his family and he will put them first before anything. i respect that man with everything i got. and tony montana cuz he said "a man only has two things in this world, his balls and his word, and i dont break them for NOBODY!!"