aarOn profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

i'm 16 yRs OLd.. i Live in thE phiLippinEs.. qUezOn CitY.. :) i dNt smOke.. i Lyk spOrtS LikE baSketbaLL, sOcCeR, tabLe teNniS.. aNywaY.. add me if yOu waNt.. :)

My Interests

• muSiC •• mOviEs •• cOmputeR •• SpORtS •

I'd like to meet:

i already met her..


• R n B •• sEnti •


..:: matRix :: staR waRs tRiLOgy :: LoRd Of thE RiNgS :: anGeR MaNaGeMeNt :: minOritY rEpOrt :: CatCh mE if yOu CaN :: faSt and thE fURiOUs :: 2faSt2fURiOUs :: hOw tO LoSe a gUy in 10 dayS :: jUst maRriEd :: ScaRy mOviE 1, 2 and 3 :: ChaRLiEs anGeLs 1 and 2 :: bLadE 1 and 2 :: LaSt SamUrai :: dArEdEviL :: hOw tO dEaL :: RUndOwN :: brUcE aLmiGhty :: a WaLk tO RemEbEr :: 50 1St datEs :: UndErwOrLd :: LeagUe Of eXtRaOrdinaRy gEntLemEn :: yOu gOt SeRved :: paSsiOn Of thE ChriSt :: i aM SaM :: fiNaL dEstiNatiOn 1 and 2 :: SpidErMaN 1 and 2 :: kiLL biLL 1 and 2 :: ReSidEnt EviL :: gOthikA :: jU-On 1 and 2 (thE gRudGe) :: thE RinG :: thE eYe :: thE bOurne idEntitY :: thE bOurnE sUpRemaCy :: thE pUniShEr :: aLonG caMe pOLLy :: eLLa EnChaNtEd :: GaRfieLd thE mOviE :: thE inCredibLeS :: bridGet jOneS diaRy :: bridGet jOneS thE edGe Of ReAsOn ::..


•• CSI •• smaLLviLLe •• diSmiSSed •• piMp my RidE •• bLind datE •• 5th wheeL •• fEaR fActOr •• jUst ShOot me •• anO pa ba? :) Un Lng ma-RemEmbeR kO Eh :) nXt timE na Lng Ung iba :p ••


i dOn't reaLLy rEad bOOkS that much.. :) mOSt OftenLy at schOOL.. :þ but i rEad cÖmicS.. :)


thE inCredibLeS :)