Crush this person!
FYI i will not tell you the name of the song on my profile
i will however help you with your profile
i will not make you a whore code
i will however whore you when you get one
She has a cool name
Shes Pretty
She has 3.2k and growing
She site models
She makes pretty signs
She w4w's and s4s's
shes extremely nice
and replies to everyone
You HATE cool people with a passion
You HATE pretty people with a passion
your a hater
your a hater
you dont like bullitens
add her
while your at it, add the site she models for:
· She's Nice
· She s4s's and has no limits
· She's Pretty
· She Replies to messages
· She Helps Out With HTML Codes
· She Has 3.2k And Growing
· there are no reasons
Proof proof is a waste of time
if you trust me, you trust me
if you dont, then dont ask me to
whore or support your site
Bullitens i post a lot of them
get over it
if you cant get over it...
then delete me.
[3.2k Friend Proof]
they are in no order
[clicky clicky on names to see profiles]
...Karla Heras
*karla, you have been my best friend since 8th grade and i love you more than my freakin sister. Lol. We have amazing talks, i can always tell you anything without you judging me for those things. No matter how bad or how selfish they are. You know me more than my own family does. Im so glad i met you. Im so glad your in my life. Please dont let the fact that we go to seperate school effect our friendship. We've gone through worse, and im not ready to give it up yet. YOU CAN'T GET AWAY FROM ME THAT EASY! Lol. So pretty much, i love you, your amazing, come and sleep over at my house more often.
..Art Gonzalez
*Art you sure are one amazing cousin. I tell you everything, and through all the sluts and whores i know you love me and i know your kidding. I love your family, i love being with your family, and im glad we're family. They need to have at least two sane people in the whole family tree! Lol. But yea, your blood. Your my friend. So dont plan on me going anywhere any time soon.
...Jorge Hernandez
*Jorge, my best buddy ever. Your a senior and your gonna be leaving me soon, but know that ill never be too far away to call me, or have lunch and chat about life. Lol. I'll probably end up driving you around if you dont have your license by then, but hey im okay with that. Haha i love you bud! I always will love you. Thank you so much for all the advice you've given me, and the things you've through with me, and everything youv trusted me with. Your amazing and thank you for being Jorge.
...Steven Rojo
*Steven you are one hell of a kid. Your a bad influence on me and the rest of society. But i love you, and thats not gonna change. Lol. I love you, you mathematical genius. Since that day in PE when you carlos came up to me to ask me to ask if i was karla's friend, to today, we've been amazingly close. Our lunch adventures are amazing. Your amazing. Your hilarious. Pre college can wait. Stay with me for another year or two.
...Hodale Forbes
*Devon, my big brother. I love you with all my heart. I can tell you anything at any time and i know you'll listen. You give me amazing advice and i love the way your straight forward with me. I can trust you completely, and damn i had to live with you for like....practically two months. But im not complaining. Im glad we met, im glad we're gonna intern next year, and im glad we're still friends. We shall hang out this summer. promise.
...Luis Garcia
*Luis, my bestest buddy. I love you, let me start off with that. You know i love you, and i know you love me to. Lol, no matter how much you deny it. We've been through a lot together. I mean, three years damn, im surprised you stuck around. Lol. But on a more serious note, im glad we still talk, im glad we still hang out every once in a while. I know your gonna stick around for a while more and it makes me happy to know that you're always gonna be here for me. Thank you for everything....well almost everything lol.
Carmen "Gaby" Heras..
*Gaby your pretty much my third sister. I mean, your karlas sister..and your my brothers girlfriend. So your like my third sister times two. Get it? Lol. But yes, im glad you're such a chill person. Im glad i can tell you things that i know we both have in common. Im glad i know you and thank you for being my sister in law kinda.
*Rj, first off let me say i love you. Like, really...i love you. I know that this year we havnt really been able to get together much but i love how you call me randomly to tell me about a bbq at the beach or to download some cute songs and listen to them. I love our little inside jokes and i love how you completely outright call me stupid and fat and tell me to shutup all the time. But i know you're kidding, which makes it okay. I love the way you hold me, and the way you hug me and i love the way you love me. Because i know you do. There's no denying it. Lol. In other words you're.....simply wonderful.
*Lola, let me just say you are absolutely incredibly gorgeous. You have a stunning personality and you never let anything get you down. I realize now that i need to be more like you, so i figure i need to keep you around for a lot longer k? Lol.
*Summer, oh man girl. Where to start. Well, your going out with my ex, which most people would think is a bad thing. But i think its amazing. You guys make each other so happy, and it makes me happy to see both of you so happy. So, in other words...thank you for going out with Erik. Lol. We've only known each other for about a month now but i can confidently say i love you, your amazing, spontaneous, retarted at times, and yet im amazed at how you make everyone around you feel ten times better.
..George Valencia
*George...my big dork. All i have to say is that your amazing. You make me smile. Like literally, all Shorsh has to say is your name and i end up smiling. Lol. I hope you relize im still not over you. And i hope you relize its gonna take a lot longer than a week to get rid of me. I miss you.
...Erik Jimenez
*Erik, my buddy Erik. Let me just say how absolutely stunned i am that we still talk. Lol. We've gone through so much drama in the past year that im kinda still shocked about how we still talk, you still give me rides, and we still hang out. Dont get me wrong, i love it. Your an amazing friend, and i know i can trust you with my thoughts. I know i can trust you with things i cant trust other people with and thats a great quality in people you dont find often. Thank you for sticking around. Best of luck to you and Summer. Both of you are amazing.
...Serena Gallegos
*Serena Serena Serena. You are the craziest, loudest, most abnoxious freshman i think iv ever met. And i absolutely love it. I love how you see everything positively. I love the fact you turn everything into a joke and never really let it trouble you. You are gorgeous, im glad i get to be stuck with you on dance team for another year.
...Karina Cano
*Karina. Wow. We talked every now and then last year. We were even french lesbian lovers, but i never realized how absolutely amazing you were. Your an awsome person and im so glad you finally saw the light and realized that drama wasnt worth your time, and came to be friends with me. I love you. We're pretty much cuniadas. Lol. Good luck with my primo. I hope he realizes how much of an amazing person you are.
*Olivia you are one crazy, beaner ass, white driver. When i tell you your the horniest, loudest, whitest beaner iv ever known, im being completely and utterly truthful. Lol. You make our lunches amazing, and i love you for that. Thank you for not killing us by now.
*Sharon my love. You are such a blonde, its ridiculous. You make everyones day, your gorgeous, your beautiful, but your an idiot. But hey, no one gets everything right? Lol. Im glad i met you, your an amazing dancer and im glad i get to spend another year doing turns and leaps with you.
...Danny Garcia
*Danny, my bestest neighbor. I love you. Lets keep being neighbors k? So don't move any time soon. Lol
...E Man
*E man you smell. But it's totally okay. Iv gotten used to it by now. But seriously, please go take a shower, i can smell you all the way over here. Lol. E man, buddy...we sure are beaners together, and i have the picture to prove it. Your amazing. We need to go to lunch more.
*Bibi loves ice cream. She gets it everyday. Lol. And she loves drawing penises on everyones paper and all over Mr Throops desk. Bibi, your pretty much amazing and fourth period wouldnt be the same without you. I love how we laugh histarically when Mr Throop says something perverted so everyone knows what we're thinking. And i love how we dont do anything and rely on Turi and Steven to do everything.