Lee profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Death Metal Lee I am known as. I play guitar badly but getting better. I don't have time for sad wankers who think they are it, shit on other people to make themselves feel better. I only know and hang around people I like and are good friends. I am not popular because I tell it how it is. I end up upsetting people a lot. So sue me. I get pissed off easy but most of the time I am in a good mood. Love my friends, love metal, love Jack D. That is all.
What metal band are you?
You are Cryptopsy! You're one of the most well rounded death metal bands around! You have everything anyone could want in a death metal band: speed, technicality, heaviness, and brutality. Lightning fast guitars, drums, and bass, amazing death metal growls are what you..re known for!

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What genre of Metal are you?
Thrash Metal
Bands like Anthrax, Exodus, Darkane, and Testament. Music is: Fast and furious music meant to inspire mosh pits. You are a fun-loving and humorous individual that others like to be around. You take risks all in the name of having a good time and you strive for enjoyment. You are also one of the people that is usually first in line to have a celebratory drink.

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Bolt Thrower - Inside The Wire

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You Are 80% Evil
You are very evil. And you're too evil to care.
Those who love you probably also fear you. A lot. How Evil Are You?
This profile was edited with satanspace.com Editor

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Aliens but they would probably kill me. So I suppose I would like to meet Ozzy because he is the ultimate rock star really. SHARON!

Below is a good friend of mine's monthly metal night in Leicester so pop down to it and show some support


adopt your own virtual pet!

This profile was edited with satanspace.com Editor

My Blog


Death are one of those bands I have grown up listening to.  Big influences to me and whenever I listen to Scream Bloody Gore I am reminded what a great guitarist Chuck actually is.  Her...
Posted by on Tue, 26 Feb 2008 19:12:00 GMT


Fucking pile of wank. 
Posted by on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 03:07:00 GMT


Fucking pile of wank. 
Posted by on Thu, 08 Mar 2007 03:07:00 GMT

My head is fucking messed up or something like that

Chicks do my head in.  I like some so don't go having a go at me.  I am just being messed around by this girl I used to date.  Positive thing though, getting loads of promotion and...
Posted by on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 13:43:00 GMT

Pissed off

nothing seems to be going right pissed off tired and need a girlfriend, one good thing is that at least i am having fun with mates,,thats the main thing
Posted by on Mon, 05 Jun 2006 17:43:00 GMT

not sure

ah cannot sleep and not caring pissed agen need sleep. bye. heheheh
Posted by on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 20:18:00 GMT

I have joined MySpace

I slagged it off for a while and then I thought about it and thought fuck it why not? It may keep me from being a pisshead so much. I joined the Mindlapse street team and Ian asked me to post some mes...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 11:07:00 GMT