lorenzo profile picture


yeeaaaaaaaaa boyyyyyyyyyy

About Me

im the outgoing people person with plenty of friends, i enjoy life no matter where i am or who im with. i live each day taking chances and risks, but some how manage to land right side up. my competative nature is derived from my greatest insecurity; codependency. i always wanted my way or it was the highway, only to find out this life is about compromise. the 2nd most important thing to me is my family, but my struggle in trusting christ comes first.

My Interests

weight lifting, nutrition, strong ties with friends and family.

I'd like to meet:

your older sister


anything that relates to my mood at that moment


every kind of comedy, twisted story lines, action.


i tivo 4 friends episodes a day, flight of the conchords. reality shows.


purpose driven life - rick warren


my savior jesus christ & allan lat.