when you surf my page,my mind is praying for you, pray that ur happier 2day than ystrday, pray that ur heart is full of happiness 2day, pray at d moment r w/u.......... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ i WaNT tO mEeT............. pEopLE tHaT CaN havE iNteLLeGent cOnVeRsaTiOns........... Or sTUpiD cOnVeRsaTiONs tHaT MaKe nO sEnSE..... bOtH aRe eQuaLLy aMusinG lol idK. iF yOuR fUnnY & cAN maKE mE LaugH yOuR SUpER aWesOme aNd "rOcK at LiFE" GO yOU!.......... ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ waZZ uP! mGa mySpaCE frieND aDD niO n lnG pO aKO.... OK?! weLcOme KyOnG laHat sakN.... baSta taO pwEra n LNg mOomOo... heheheinviTe me..... [email protected]!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09156478808 txt me... ok? oR caLlL me..thanKZ! pe3jay