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About Me

everything you need to know can be found in the music of the beatles.

My Interests

performing. peace. john lennon. alan rickman. education. being liberal. being a vegetarian. tofu. udon. tempura. mochi balls...burritos. harry potter. bob dylan. that red sauce found in most asian restaurants. mongolian bbq. rainy day women #12&35. love. literature. sticking my arm out the window while driving. laughing. chocolate. sunflowers. musicals. opera. star wars. rebellion. strawberries. questions. v for vendetta. classical music. epic events. the immortalizer. trader joe's. camping. stars. kiwi. beaches. writing. shakespeare. frozen grapes. kdramas. poetry. art. museums. culture. movies. politics. avacodoes. debate. flight of the conchords. singing in the car. theology. poker. lying on the floor. passion. change. discovery. spirituality. nature. emotion. philosphy. sociology. astronomy. experience. exploration. challenge. innovation. explanation. dedication. life.


My Blog


Choose ten people to write about without identifying them. It could be a secret admirer, someone you hate, or your friends.JUST DON't SAY WHO IT'S FOR!!1. I was young, and naive. I fell for it, and I ...
Posted by bethoven on Thu, 01 May 2008 11:24:00 PST