I have big hair full of secrets and i like helen loads yeahhhh. I like to stay up late and talk to helen in her bed about Mr Ellis having sex goood times husssssssssssst! hahahahahahaha but we dont do that anymore because I have a lovely boyfriend called adam so i sleep in a bed with him now and not helen. One of my fave past times is to go to tescos and buy pie then sit in ads car eating them they taste goood.
love.... helen of course who doesn't hahaha, tesco pie, ad, ads willy, box of wine everytime yeahh, hanging with the lads in the York, wondering about big dogs, going on searches for dog owners, cooking for helen, snowball fights, drinking yeahh, sleeping in helens bed, money, music, summer, greeen, topshop, socks, belts, french knickers, beads, gold, 80s tunes, MYSPACE, toothpaste, cups, ads car, pubs, leopard print shoes, slippers, smoking, my house, presents, beaches, Barmouth, camping, train journeys, laura, helens parties, sweets, terrys chocolate orange, tiger my teddy, technology, mascara, living under the sea, curly hair, the plant that tastes like grapes in huws garden, snow, water, matches, hair straighteners, vimto, breakfast at helens (pizza and leftovers), flowers, cute small animals, lakes that you can swim in, my mummmy, condoms, blue eyes, the word mon, hands, afros, jonny depp, fireworks, sledging,spain, sankeys house!, vibrate on my phone, yeahhhh.
hate.....cucumber, football, moods, snow when it ruins your weekend plans, bitches, coldness, chavs, wedgies, hair when it goes down the back of your neck, dreaming of food/drink being by your bed and its not when you wake up, jocks, loosing things, wet feet, when the bottom of your trousers get wet, when you catch bits of dry skin on your feet on covers eww, feet in general, toenails, toenail clippings left on the floor and you stand on them and they get stuck to your feet, spermmm, watermelon, smelly people, rain, ringtones, mess, revision.....do a little dance....
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