Hunting! Not foxes (thats illegal apparently). Yes, I enjoy hunting the rare creature fun, but often this brings its companion, the enemy - boredom! I use a blunderbuss filled with blueberry jam and sound cards to defeat boredom though.
I would like to meet Pete Burns, as I could use his lips as a life raft if there was ever a flash flood.
War, they did the song Low Rider (its the song marmite use on their adverts, I often enjoy it).
Anything with Till Lindemann in, you know?
Depeche Mode told me to "make decisions without your television" so therefore I have never watched another broadcast program since.
Books are good! I mean good as in I enjoy them, not as in the sense that there good/evil books, that would be stupid, I mean how could bits of paper and card be evil, or infact good! Ha! Its a crazy world isn't it?
My hero is Bill Clinton, hes such a legend, I wish I could just be him for a day, then I could do Bill Clinton stuff, I'm not entirely sure what that is. I once heard him in a song called Hand Auf Herz saying he had 36 colouring pencils to share with the world, 36 isn't alot and he is obviously proud of them so I think he must be a great person.