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I went running at the beach around five in the afternoon, I was listening to explosions in the sky. I ran down right where the water would rush in and slowly out, leaving black glass on the sand. I watched the sun drowned in a distance. The image was so loud, How could i not be inspired? And off to right was a peer of lights that trailed out into ocean. A breeze came, strong enough to move the palms and not enough to sway them. I imagined a white canvas and soaked it in. What does Da Vinchi know about art? Is'nt he dead? I ran down the beach and breathed in the ocean air, they wrote their names in the sand. For some reason I looked up and felt as if i stood at the top of the empire state building and was right about to fall off. An effervescent shrill leaked through my body and I almost forgot where I was. I ran down the peer and passed the rows of lights one by one. People were there standing, holding their lines patiently waiting for. Personally with all the fish in the sea, let them swim...They dont even realize that theyre drowning. Time is constant but when im old, i will remember. Time is constant present and preserved. I was inside my head, standing behing a wall facing forward. Right now any words will do the same, mean the same, sound the same. One strange 1ndividual who's not so 1ndividual. And so you say...With all the sand on the beach its still not enough.IT IS STILL NOT ENOUGHHow much extra could you possibly need to barely have enough to please. So say hello to goodbye and hold your hands up to wave at them. YOU are buried only half way standing up and the quick sand really is not all that quick now, or today. and so you say. they say. what ever. i wasnt really listening. nothing nothing nothing. never mind.say it alreadythis is what i hear.I am the mess you made.