Anything I can understand! I have a good ear for good music. Music is very universal,it has to be respected for it's entirety! With out music, this world would be pretty dule!
Scary movies is my fav! To bad they are all pretty cheezy nowadays! Suspence, mystery and true stories are all down my ally! I'm a movie buff, what can I say! I also love Jim Carey movies! "So is your number still 911, AlllllRighty then" LOL! To funny!
Whenever I'm not to busy I'll check out the T.V. for a lil while! It just sux to see all the madness that is going on in this world of our's. I would rather watch a good movie!
Holy Bible, And anything that serves me with sense and knowledge!
Jesus Christ,My parents,and all the people who died for our freedom. God Bless Them All!!!!!! 1 LOVE!!!