theena profile picture


I am here for Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

WeLL.. I'm KKK!(KAlog,KENkoy,KapAl MUKz) I'm a very serious person, i take evrything I do seriously. (MY mAnwlA Kya, I HOPE sO) i'm always laughing 'coz i'm always ;-) it's ImPORtant 2 me to wAIt for the Ryt tiME and the Ryt Person and NOT too RUSh into thingS like "S" but i'M not ProMISing to STILL be a Virgin on My Wedding NighT but i Will Surrender my Virginity to THe MAn who wILL Love me for Who I aM! So much for THat, I can't live without GOD, my FAmily, my craZY bunch of FriENDZ, "BeSt" and SOFTDRINKS! I hate Nasty BacKsTabberS!! I BeLieved in PSychics and I always DreaMed of beComing A STar...

My Interests

Reading magazines, dancing, swimming, chatting and ghost hunting(joke3)

I'd like to meet:

I WaNT SomeONE who's sWEEt, CAring, ConSIDerate, HAS a SENse Of HUMor and EASy to GEt along with


RnB, Alternative but Acoustic is what I listen to the most!!!


ALL HorrOR aNd Suspense Movies


GirLs bEhaVing Badly, jUSt For LAughs, SuRVIvor, OpraH, CrossiNG Over wiTh John EDwarDand VICTIM!!!


b00K??? Sybil by Flora Rheta Schreiber (d TRUE STORY of a Woman possessed by 16 personalities, read it!! promise it's illuminating!!!)

