The world Chico . . . and everyone in it.This is both a long and short list. Sure there are a few dead folks I wish I had had the opportunity to run into and chat over a bottle of Jack. Like, Christ, Hallie Salasi, Bob Marley, Malik el haj Shabazz, John Coltrane. There are not many people living now that I have a burning desire to meet. Sure, if I ever get back to London, I wouldn't mind running into Tricky to see what he's been up to . . . maybe have a chat with Alan Greenspan (catz have no idea what a financial god that man has been) but that is about it.But I am sure, given the state of the internet today, that the question is more concerned about the type of woman I'd like to meet. That question is no less difficult . . . and equally fret with my trademark contradictions, but at least entertaining should anyone read this tripe.
I am a fan of . . . those afro-centric, natural hair, poetry reading conscience chicks. And, house music loving, artistic, sensitive, non-conforming fag hags (or fairy princesses :-) And, gothic out, black make-up wearing, NIN listening, tattooed and pierced, punk girls. Get the point.I have been called a chubby chaser . . . and with good reason . . . FAT GURLZ RULE!!!!! But, of course that has not stop me from dating the occasional fitness instructor. But, at least in this one very narrow area, I definitely have a leaning . . . gotta love the Zaftig and Ruebenesque!!!!