Elton. Shyam. Shmelton. profile picture

Elton. Shyam. Shmelton.

About Me

This is the MySpace home of Everett ELTON Bradman Shree SHYAM Das, future sound shaman, aspiring music-thanatologist, student of grammar and syntax, and deep-listening enthusiast. Thanks for stopping by!
A little more about what I do:
*Rhythm is my middle name*
I was born to play drums. My specialties? Sweaty dancefloors and sensitive situations. And I'm always on the same page as the bass player.
*Low-frequency manipulation is my game*
I love bass, and bass loves me back. I make sure to spend quality time with all nine of my bass guitars. I'm a sucker for smart chord progressions and funky drummers with dynamics.
*I make noise—you do the same?*
Analog synthesis. Reason. Ableton. Synth bass. I *LOVES* me some arpeggiators. This is what it sounds like when it's just me and my toys:
*I'm an editor...*
I've been an associate editor at Bass Player magazine; a copy editor for the Miami Herald, the San Francisco Bay Guardian, Vibe, Rolling Stone, Dunlop/MXR, and the City of New York; copy chief at Computer Shopper; and editor-in-chief of Guitar World's Bass Guitar. These days, I'm freelancing and serving as editor-at-large of thegrixer.com .
*...I write about music...*
I've been lucky enough to interview some of the baddest bass badasses ever . A short list would have to include Larry Graham, Victor Wooten, John Paul Jones (Led Zeppelin), Duff McKagan (Guns N' Roses), John Entwistle (The Who), Geddy Lee (Rush), Justin Chancellor (Tool), gospel icons Andrew Gouche and Joel Smith, Les Claypool (Primus), Flea (the Red Hot Chili Peppers), Bill Laswell, Doug Wimbish (Living Colour), and Squarepusher.
*...and I'm working on my first book*
I grew up learning Sanskrit at a commune in Tennessee, attending four years of boarding school in India, and enjoying a (brief) stint as a Hindu brahmana and ultra-religious cook in Miami Beach, so I'm very pleased to be collaborating with L.A.-based photographer Laksmi Greenberg on a coffee-table book, "After the Ashram," about other adults who were raised as Hare Krishnas .
*Yep, I'm an optimist*
I believe that despite evidence to the contrary, human beings are essentially good—slow, fragile, and easily influenced, yes—but good. Peace and plenty are possible realities. I'm a workaholic afflicted with nostalgia who knows deep down that time is not the enemy. And love is the only thing that really matters.

My Interests


Member Since: 1/25/2006
Band Members:

Sounds Like:

I'm inspired by Life. Dreams. Love. Death. Humor. Great listeners who can articulately express themselves. My heroes and mentors. My 2,000 CDs. Sex. Pop culture. Innovation. Mastery. Soulfulness. And all the people I've been fortunate enough to play with, including:

Acoustic rock/soul queen Sparlha Swa
Indian hip-pop diva Shakti
World-renowned tabla artist Suphala
The Bay Area's legendary San Francisco Mime Troupe
Devotional vocalist Jai Uttal
Beatbox/loop/vocal phenom Kid Beyond
House maestro and multi-instrumentalist jaswho
Soulful hip-hop songbird Maya Azucena
The funky N'Awlins-style Brass Monkey Brass Band
World-class DJ and poet Rich Medina
Harlem's Pentecostal Rehobeth Temple Christ Conscious Church
The outrageous New Pickle Circus
The fun-lovin' Animal Liberation Orchestra (ALO)
Japanese alternative rocker Yuji Oniki
Acclaimed Pakistani singers Riffat and Sukhawat Ali Khan
Singer/composer/instrument builder Peter Whitehead
The award-winning choreographer and dancers of Susan Marshall & Company

Drumming on "Hot Tub" with ALO (Park City, Utah, 2001)

With Kid Beyond, Tim Barsky, and Jess Ivry in "Bright River" (Oakland, 2004)

Drumming with Polish Hare Krishna reggae band Village of Peace (Kostrzyn, Poland, 2004)

Drumming on "Wonderful Day" with Chaz at Arlene's Grocery (NYC, 2008)

Type of Label: Major

My Blog

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