SLUtshee profile picture


theory of mind

About Me

And shepherds we shall be, for thee my lord for thee. Power hath descended forth from thy hand, that our feet may swiftly carry out thy command. So we shall flow river forth to thee, and teeming with souls shall it ever be. In nomine patris, et filli, et spiritus sancti."Wenn wir in reiferen Jahren irgendeinem visuellen Objekt begegnen, dass auch nur die geringste Aehnlichkeit mit der Form einer weiblichen Brust aufweist... dann erfuellt uns ein warmes Entzuecken, das all unsere Sinne zu betaeuben scheint..." Charles Darwin....

My Interests :: graphic :: longboarding :: art :: collecting vinyl :: surfing

I'd like to meet:

bradly nowell :: jim morrison :: jimi hendrix :: john lennon :: brian jones :: all dogtown boyz :: bob dylan :: iggy pop :: andy warhol :: robert a. willson :: timothy leary :: aleister crowley :: charles mansonView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment



sublime :: at the drive in :: mars volta :: fugazi :: refused :: coheed and cambria :: further seems forever :: fall of troy :: new born :: dillinger escape plan :: atreyu :: alexisonfire :: thrice :: tribute to nothing :: sunny day real estate :: texas is the reason :: hot water music :: yage :: doors :: beatles :: jimi :: stones :: cream :: jefferson airplan :: velvet underground :: wolfmother :: the blue van :: the subways :: arctic monkeys :: the gossip :: blind melon :: john butler trio :: and a little bit electro


kids :: donnie darko :: fear and loathing in las vegas :: texas chainsaw massacre :: evil dead :: the hills have eyes :: house of 1000 corpses :: the devils rejects :: saw


robert a. willson :: patrick süskind :: charles bukowski :: jack kerouac :: t.c.boyle :: hermann hesse :: michel houellebecq :: chuck palahniuk :: aleister crowley


my mom