Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
absolutley everything. random obscure objects, misplaceded acts of nature, cactuses, ireland, drawing, painting, inking, photography, making clothing, any kind of art form in general. knitting, breathing, hugs, pinky promises, hair brettes, colorful leo-tards, late night chinese food, alfred hitchcock, the rain, the first day of winter, my red coat, friends, sparatic dancing, sweaters, talks without a purpose, walks without a purpose, going to shows, edgar allan poe, floria sigismondi, long drives at night, empty roads, nothing at all.
hook, eternal sunshine, elephant, party monster, 21 grams, alice in wonderland, the ninja turtles (all of them), the big nothing, now and then, kill bill 1 and 2, labarynth, the grimlins, the goonies, harritt the spy, who framed roger rabbitt, dick tracey, american splendor, punch drunk love, ginger sanps, amelie, my neighbor totro, finding neverland, garden state, i heart huckabees.
im not to fond of the television.
sophias world, where the wild things are, i hope you dance, edgar allan poes madness and mystery, brave new world, romeo and julliet.
peter pan