VERA'S "IMAGINARY" FRIENDS...MAYA ANGELO. THE CAST OF FRAGGLE ROCK. EDDIE IZZARD, DANE COOK, ELLEN. SLASH & his wife. ANGELINA,BRAD-and all of the kiddies... Dr. Drew* he is fascinating! GONZO, Sid Barret, Barack Obama, Janis Joplin, Paul Rudd* BOB MARLEY. Joeseph Micheal Linsner* Individuals with open-minds and hearts, or the ability to ROCK. TREE HUGGERS. Anarchist, Sooth-Sayers, and people who dress up as food and advertise on the street for money. A FROG PRINCE. Corey Taylor. Frank Sinatra, Elvis, and Johnny Cash. Tim Burton. People who make CHEESE... Morgan Freeman. My personal chef, trainer, and yoga instructor. A dentist that works for FREE...JIM MORRISON. Rachel McAdams and Rachel Ray* I would also be lying if I didnt say YOUR MOM. (seriously* I heart moms)