Official Chelley Mills Fansite profile picture

Official Chelley Mills Fansite


About Me

You have arrived at Chelley's Official Fansite! Enjoy your visit! This page is not ran by Chelley but by her team & dedicated to all her wonderful fans out there! :-D
Please show your love & support! Leave a comment & tell Chelley how much you enjoy her music. Chelley reads all comments left on this page & sometimes responds personally!
By adding this page you'll be the first to know information, news, & updates on Chelley, her music, album release, & upcoming tours. We also have blogs filled with info on Chelley you won't find anywhere else!
Be sure to visit Chelley's Official Music Profile too, & add her if you haven't already! She's number 1 on our top friends list! From there you can listen to more of her songs & add them to your page! Chelley completely runs her music page; so stop by, & say hi!

Currently in works with developing her debut album, West Virginia native, Chelley Mills is preparing to show her defined originality as a singer/songwriter. Shes taken Pop/Rock and added a twist of Country. Her music is a mixture of sincere and sensitive yet bold and aggressive lyrics. It expresses her strong-willed edgy nature and her struggles; her vulnerable soft side and her roots. Its a tribute to where she's going and where she's been:
"I definitely have a spirited Pop reflection in my style but there's a great deal of Rock that brings out the outspoken mischievous nature in me. I added the modern sounds of Country because that's where I came from and I have to be true to myself. I just can't ignore that in my music. This is the real me."
"Music is the truest form of self expression for me. My songs are like pages from my diary; it's a confessional of my inner voice. When it comes to being a performer, an entertainer, it's more than a dream to me...its more than a career...its my life...and its the only way I'll live."

My Interests

Please Support Chelley
Help spread the word! Add Chelley's fansite &/or music banner to your page! Just right click in one of the code boxes & select all then copy...paste in your "about me" section!

Which Song Is YOUR Fav
Add one of Chelley's ANIMATED ICONS to your page featuring SONG TITLES from her first 3 singles! Just right click in one of the code boxes & select all then copy...paste in your "about me" section!

Links to Causes
Below are links to some of the causes that Chelley supports. Please visit them, get involved & help make a difference!

St. Jude Children's Research Hospital

Keep Hope Forever Foundation

Pet Finder.Com - Adopt A Pet

Hearts Giving Hope - Music

Vh1's Save The Music


Help Better The World - One Click At A Time!
On each of these sites below, you can click a button to support the cause. Each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Please visit each site once a day!

End World Hunger

Breast Cancer Awareness

Children's Health

Stop Illiteracy

Animal Rescue

Save The Rainforest

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