Missing all my family(my bro, primas & primos) and friends back home and all over the world these days... sorry for not being around during the hard times....and good.Abba- my prima! I miss y... Posted by Sweet Sassy Molassy iN a CoMa on Sun, 02 Dec 2007 06:34:00 PST
Hurry...Hurry...Hurry UP!
I'm missing my love. Hurry up and come back! Tomorrow is too long to wait for your sweet little face.I miss my friend... Posted by Sweet Sassy Molassy iN a CoMa on Mon, 28 May 2007 11:03:00 PST
You little poop!
OH but BAbe? I waited all dang day for your call...its like 4am and you just barely called me! I don't care if its only an hour earlier in Singapore- its still too Damn late in Korea!!!I expecte... Posted by Sweet Sassy Molassy iN a CoMa on Sun, 27 May 2007 01:22:00 PST
Diaries of a Mad Mexican Woman
I've learned today that no matter what country you are in....Road Rage exists! Its a breeding ground for violence and disaster. And Koreans exhibit this behavior not only as a way of life ... Posted by Sweet Sassy Molassy iN a CoMa on Fri, 04 May 2007 06:22:00 PST
Make it quick! I need to get some sleep. Wasting too much time on this thing making a night out of nothing. I tell you this much...my creative juices are starting ... Posted by Sweet Sassy Molassy iN a CoMa on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 10:42:00 PST