*RADFORD WRESTLING* profile picture


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About Me

=POSt SEASON=Visit our webpage: www.ramwrestlinghi.com

My Interests

Coach Matt 2007 (1st Freestyle, 2nd Greco)USAA Mens National Championship, Las Vegas

coach nick, 2007 96kg Wrestling South Pacific Games Champion


Anything to jack us up


Vision Quest, Takedown. any wrestling show Video By The TAZ (125)


T.V is for Wimps With Nothing To Do


I Read Wrestling Magazines


WRESTLERS: Are the strongest fastest and smartest athletes in the world. But that's not what makes them unique. They are the MOST dedicated people in the world. They sacrifice their lives to a sport of fighting. Where practice is 3 hours of lifting and throwing and conditioning. 3 hours of a literal street brawl. They give up there social lives. They cant party and get drunk because making weight on Saturday won't allow it. They cant go smoke after school cause they worked too damn hard to get into shape. They have no team out on the mat with them to help get past an opponent. They stand on a mat with all eyes on them, alone, no one to fall back on when they make a mistake, no safety to make the tackle, and no goaly to make a diving save. They are the leanest meanest and strongest in the world. Ladies want them, men want to be just like them. So this is a tribute to all those who sacrifice everything, their free time, their food, and most importantly their life. Why would someone work so hard, til they are puking in practice, sweating in their 3 layers and a sauna suit or skipping that badass party? Or why would they induce the blood sweat and tears? Or the early morning runs, or mid day workouts or the extra run after practice to lose that last pound to make weight. The road in wrestling always ends in tears. The man that takes second cries cause his dreams are over, and the man that wins it all cries more than anybody because finaly everything that they have afore mentened is finally worth while. Wrestlers will wrestle through anything because they are friggin' wrestlers. And greatness walks right with the word wrestler. I salute all who commit there life to something greater, something bigger than themselves. Wrestlers dont do wrestling cause they like it, you would be crazy to like to beat yourself up on a daily basis, and get beaten up by teammates and opponents just as much. Yet there are the few who love it, they do it cause they were born to.

My Blog


Posted by *RADFORD WRESTLING* on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 03:16:00 PST

2/2/08 Girls Mini Tourn @ Moanalua Results

Girls Results Gem (103) - 1st, 2 pins Christine (114) - 3rd Kanani (125) - 1st, 3 pins Margarita (155) - 1st,  2 pins Brayanne (220) - 1st, 1 pin Sanoe (220) - 2nd   Good job girls.  Ke...
Posted by *RADFORD WRESTLING* on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 12:48:00 PST

Wrestling Shoe

http://photobucket.com" target="_blank">..http://i8.photobucket.com/albums/a43/jamjuly/JY601393B.jpg " border="0" alt="Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket"> For wrestlers of all levels that ...
Posted by *RADFORD WRESTLING* on Sat, 27 Oct 2007 02:32:00 PST

Something Wrestling

Thanks, Warriors .....:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /> Lest we forget some unsung heroes Hawaii wrestling fans are at fever pitch, what with the onset of Western...
Posted by *RADFORD WRESTLING* on Wed, 09 May 2007 02:48:00 PST