Like I said before, I love sports whether its playing or even watching. I love to hang out with my softball girls and guys back home. Basically that is my life in the summer. I just recently took up golf and I love it.I like to hike and go camping, well when my knees are up to it.
I have already met the one person that has changed my life and I wouldn't trade it...well him for anything in the world!!
I basically listen to hip hop, rap, and country. I hope someday I will be able to meet Jimmy Buffet. I just love him!!!!!
My all time favorite tv show is Beverly Hills 90210!!! I also love Full House Days of Our Lives, Wrestling, ESPN, ER, Felicity, and Three Wishes. I know I know I am a dork, but that is just me i guess.
I hate reading but there is one book that I really enjoyed and that is A Man Named Dave, by David Pelzer. He also has some sequels to it but I have not read them yet.
When I thought about who my hero was I was not really sure of who to put. But there are four people whom I idolize very much and they are My high school softball coach Duane Hicks, my high school basketball coach Ed Collar, my high school soccer coach Aaron Grady and my boss( who is a second mother to me) Carol Neelis.