go to these websites now...do it! www.createsomethinggood.org, www.ninajchung.com, www.adamhougland.com, www.movingstill.net, www.movmnt.com, www.bethkonopkabotello.mfbiz.com
People who are interested in getting networked! If you can't handle getting sucked into doing something cool, artsy or for the kids I wouldn't call me! But don't worry, I'll get you my pretties, one by one, one way or another...
music...What's on my i-pod: Prince, Prince and more Prince! Sleepy Brown, Thicke, Van Hunt, If it features Snoop Dogg I've got it, a little Furtado and J. Timberlake, Gorillaz and Wyclef... I really like anything that gets people movin and shakin- or those songs you turn up real loud so you drown out you and your friends belting it out cause you love the track so much (you know what I'm talking about) songs that make you feel like dancin...
movies...If your not an M Night Shyamalan fan I don't know what to say- his movies rock... Royal Tannenbaums, Life Aquatic- Troy (and not cause everyone in it is hot), Triplets of Belville, Domino, Full Time Killers (its a GREAT asian film- must see), Talladega Nights and Anchorman for obvious reasons, I could go on but my favorite movie has to be Juilie Taymore's TITUS- its honestly a visual work of art.
TV...it all depends on if i'm not too exhausted to watch... but if i am not sleeping, The Office!!! ER, Law & Order SVU, Family Guy and American Dad, Samuri Champloo, Nip Tuck, HEROs, Headliners and Legends, In the Actor's Studio... the Black Donelly's may turn out to be a good show... Guilty Pleasures?? well American Idol (but only on TIVO cause i don't like listening to commentary), America's Next Top Model and the professional ballroom competitions on public television...
Books.."Our Inner Ape" by Frans de Waal
...if you've ever had questions as to why our society is strange and sometimes messed up, you can find some pretty uncomplicated and meaningful explainations in this book about primatology. Natalie Portman Rap
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heros...My superhero ManToy aka my Gambit!!Lauren Adams cause you have as many jobs as i do!! All of my ASTEP peoples... And my six year old students for making me laugh!!