people, places, things, intangibles
Anyone who isn't afraid to communicate, go out on a limb, go off on a tangent, go deep, try something new, find fun in the little things or make the big things happen! Also, bluntness tempered with compassion is very refreshing. Just good people... you know who you are!
everything... house, reggae, reggaeton (especially on a costa rican dancefloor), native tongues hip hop (and select gangsta), alternative, classic rock, bluegrass, d&b, downtempo, indian, portuguese, breakbeats, dirty groovy adrenaline-lending beats, anything that makes me move or helps get me through LA traffic... THANK GOD FOR MUSIC. and also all my friends, family and local musicians... i'm blessed to know some amazing ones.
i'm not immune to at least one show sucking me in, but i try
EAT PRAY LOVE (very me) Atlas Shrugged - Ayn Rand (thanks Dad) The Power of Now - Eckhart Tolle (thanks Chels) Many Lives Many Masters - Brian Weiss (thanks Orly) Home Is Where the Boat Is (maybe someday)