Born at a very early age, I've always considered myself rather bright. I used to be a really pompous jerk. Now I'm somewhat less pompous. Somewhere in the struggle with arrogance I found out that I'm a decent person, too. Or at least I like to think so.
I've taught creative writing seminars at the local Barnes & Noble for the past 7 years now. I currently work in a Fight Club-esque job, in a cubicle much of the time, on the road the rest. No plans on forming any underground boxing clubs yet... but then again the first (amended) rule of Fight Club is you do not post information to MySpace about Fight Club.
In my spare time I do juggling, hooping, miming, DDR, dancing, and (amateur) stage magic. Anything to combine my love of performance and my need to not be normal. It's worked out pretty well so far, and folks always seem to have fun with the stuff I do. As long as I have fun, though, I suppose that's what counts. I'm also a big fan of costumed midnight movie premieres (or costumed anything, really) and physical exertion without reservation. I also enjoy playing devil's advocate in philosophical debates and helping folks to realize universal truths. I'm a counselor and a confidante, scholar and student, wise old man and 10-year-old boy.
My life is more than a little awesome right now. I've moved into a wonderful place with wonderful people in Northampton, MA. I'm surrounded by the most engaging people... friends who support me and challenge me at the same time. The regrets of the past are behind me, and the future is looking brighter and brighter. Also, I've got the hottest girlfriend ever.If you're looking for more, check out my Livejournal , or you could find me on Facebook or Tribe .