I like to try new things..I love the Giants, Warriors, 49ers, the Patriots ( yes, for tom brady)...I love music and movies ( as i'm sure you can see) tennis, reading...i'm a very eclectic person
Interpol, Barry Zito, Joaquin Phoenix, Ed Norton, Incubus
Some of my Favorite bands/groups would have to be... Interpol, Green Day,My Chemical Romance, Sigur Ros,the strokes, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Shout out Louds, Kanye West, Regina Spektor, Fall Out Boy, Dixie Chicks, Johnny Cash,Afi, Korn, Incubus, papa levi, coheed and cambria, Linkin Park, the Secret Machines, the white stripes, Gorillaz,matisyahu, 30 seconds to Mars, Kings of Leon, Bloc Party, Weezer, Foo Fighters, moby,Arcade Fire, maroon 5,the Cure, Depeche Mode, Juanes, Mana, Ashlee Simpson and Kelly Clarkson (when I'm in Ana's car) Death Cab for Cutie, No Doubt, Jack Johnson, Sublime, Jane's Addiction Queen, the Ramones, Janis Joplin, House and Techno, WOLF PARADE, Silversun Pickups...
HUGE movie fan....but there's too many to mention, so, a few favorites would be...NAPOLEON DYNAMITE, STAR WARS (*episode III was sooo good *)Silence of the Lambs, The Usual Suspects, Walk the Line, White Chicks, ShreK, Zoolander, Dazed and Confused, any movie w/Johnny Depp and Joaquin Phoenix, Ocean's 11, Office Space, Bridget Jones's diary, 50 first Dates, the notebook, haLf Baked, BACK TO THE FUTURE 1 and 2, EmpiRe RecoRds, the Crow, L'auberge espangole, OLD school, some like it hot, austin powers 1-3, Singles, count of monte Cristo, Super Size Me, Reality Bites, Batman Begins, Rules of Attraction, Joe Dirt, Waynes World, how could i forget THe Goonies, The Painted Veil,lord of the rings trilogy, Elvira Mistress of the Dark, ferris buller, sixteen candles, pretty in PinK .. width="425" height="350"
Days of Our Lives ( * been watching it since i was like ten), MonK, Dead Like me,Friends, Will and Grace, Remember when shows like Hey Dude, Salute your Shorts, Punky Brewster, and Jem were on?? those were the days :) I like Fresh Prince and 3s Company, Sex and the City...Thanks to my good friend carlitz I'm hooked on Nip/Tuck. Fear Factor,O.C., Conan O'brien, the ellen show, PRoject Runway and America's next Top ModeL, the Surreal Life, Medium, Desperate Housewives, Felicity, Grey's Entourage, South Park,degrassi jr. high is actually a guilty pleasure..Reno 911 .. width="425" height="350" ..
A sePerate Peace, catcher in the Rye, the notebook, the guardian, Macbeth, Hamlet, jemmima J, harry Potter and the goblet of fire :) and all other HP books, the Great Gatsby, Wayside school is falling down, Lucy Sullivan is Getting Married, Straight Talking, Mr. Maybe, The Time Traveler's Wife
my family for sure