I love to draw, sing and occasionally write even though my grammar sometimes sucks. :) I am on the computer mostly at nights, but I guess it could also be considered an interest. lol
Just Friends :)
oh man, sooooo very many.. If it's heavy metal, alternative, or punk, with a good sound, then you can bet on me liking it.Not to state what's probably obvious, but I've always liked KoRn and even though their music has changed a bit through the Lp's, I still like 'em. Probably will always be a Korn Kid. :)
I'm a huge comedy/horror Buff... If it's really scary or really funny, I will probably like it. I'm always up for suggestions too on what to rent, so yea, if you know a good movie that fits these two categories, that you think I might have not seen, let me know :) ........ Some favorites though: Comedies: All the Scary Movies, Girl Next Door, and Bruce Almighty , just to name a few............... Horror: All the friday the 13th's, All the Nightmare on Elm Streets, Original Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Bram Stoker's Dracula, Underworld, Helsing (although not real scary, it was still damn good), and Strangeland to name a few.... (they just dont make horror like they used to, I swear).....
When I am not chasing my lil man around the house, I like: C.S.I., Crossing Jordan, Veronica Mars, Bones, House M.D., The Shield, Nip/Tuck, and The O.C. ............ gah, I know there's more.. I'll add them when I think about it :)
Ann Rice and Stephen King, mostly.. but don't have time to read very much these days :)
My Husband and my Mother *que the Aww's here* *wink*