Animals Gardening Riding Motorcycle The Great OUTDOORS
Long lost friends from High School, make new friends in NC.
Name Aimee
Birthday June 7th, 1978
Current Location Mooresville, North Carolina
Hometown Salt Lake City, Utah
Other States you lived in Hawaii, California & New York
Eye Color Blue
Hair Color Brown
Favorite Color Purple
Favorite Number 2
Favorite Food Mashed Potates
Cappuccino or Coffee Coffee
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocolate
Do You Smoke Not anymore!
Do You Drink Yes
If yes, Favorite Alcoholic Drink Jack & Coke
Best Physical Feature Eye's
Bedtime Whenever I make it there
Do you watch what you eat I try
Do you work out When I have any energy left
Do you like Thunderstorms YES!!
Beach or Mountains Both
Citi or Country Country
Sneakers or Heels Sneakers
Do you like Sushi Yeah
Favorite Cookie OREO'S
How many Brother's/Sister's do you have 8 (6/girls & 3/boys)
Favorite or Dream Vacation Spot Alaskan cruise, Bahamas or maybe Thailand someday
What do like to do with your spare time Read, Garden, go for a walk, talk with my family and friends
Favorite Animal Dog/Horse
Favorite Cartoon Character Goofy/Dopey
It really depends on my mood I listen to a little of everything Old New Rock Country Rap etc
I watch many different kinds of movies but I do love a good "chick flic" too
I enjoy movies more but I love Animal Planet Discovery Channel and TLC
Dean Koonts Gardening Fitness and Home
My Dad, Sisters and Brothers
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