Chancellor profile picture


About Me

{!-Control size of pictures and objects in comments -!} table.friendsComments table table td.columnsWidening img {width:180px;}{!-prevent object sizes from messing with column widths -!} table.friendsComments table table td.columnsWidening object, table.friendsComments table table td.columnsWidening embed {width:280px;} {!online icon -!} table.friendsComments img.imgOnlineNow {width:70px !important;} {!-online icon div that shows up every few days for a few hours-!} table.friendsComments table table td div img{width:70px !important;}body { scrollbar-face-color:CB3E06; scrollbar-3dlight-color:777777; scrollbar-shadow-color:333333; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:555555; scrollbar-arrow-color:FFFFFF; scrollbar-track-color:CB3E06; }div.myMusic { height:135px; left:515px; position:absolute; top:510px; width:320px; } div.myText1 br {line-height:10px;} div.myText1 span.myTextH {color:red; font-weight:bold; font-size:20px;} Hide stuff to prepare for Div Overlay myspace hide everything code tutorial by Eileen

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Hide stuff to prepare for Div Overlay !-Begin Block to set Table Level and Open custom Div-! Close ALL open tables so that our div is not effected by the stuff we have removed !! top banner, or anything else outside of your core content space can go here!!!!Create and size our div.!! !!-----START Core Custom CONTENT------!!

!!-------END Core CUSTOM CONTENT--------!!!!Open same number of tables we closed.!!

!-END Custom Block to Set Table Level and Create Custom Div-!

scroll center friends and comments

!-END Block to put Friends and Comments in a Scroll Box-!

My Blog

The item has been deleted

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