young blair aka black orpheus aka jus god profile picture

young blair aka black orpheus aka jus god

certified ends ova here ya dig get ya paper right

About Me

Im always looking for energy What kind of energy you ask ? well any energy thats positve and one that i can build on i like to sorround myself with positivity and align myself with those who are of upward thinking because i am a part of an endangered species and i realize that If you want to be more specific I am a black man who is trying to survive in a new jungle that was not built with my survival as part of its intentions so i leave the streets and find something positive to do with myself and i have been expressing myself with a pen not just in poetry form i test the level of my grammar and the ability to articulate thought on paper and verbally as i am doing right now i need to keep my razor sharp to cut down negativity on my pilgrims progress because devils of despair will try to break you down mentaly and worldly wise men will try to trick you on your journey and only you can stop you as far as aligning myself with those who are upwardly mobile I am allowing those who are of positive mind to post comments in the comment space of my page Dee jay singer fellow writers artist entreprenuer's especially are all welcome to express their self on my page or you can just stop by to say hello whatever I am not one to hate I always want to see what other people are thinking about i always say free your self with expression dont be afraidI love to create short stories I once upon a time created comic strips for a small news paper which i was abruptly removed from because my artist was unprofessional in coming together to create the comic strips i still create shortstories and still would like to publish them someday true story these ideas are swirling around my head i love laughter it keeps me from being sad but on the real anyone that is cool hit me up i love a good joke im not really lookin for a relationship to pop off from myspace but whateva happens happens right now im just lookin for a computer love holla! at me if you want to be my computer love oh by the way intersting poetry i picked up along the way in life someone sent tis to me ok im lying this was written by god himself- me being crazy with the pen just a little off beat humor dont get offended the intentions are purly for humor "some times you just gotta check a bitch all you men out there gotta stop being so spinless and when i say check i dont mean punch to the gut or the eye get in her head before you get in her bed know her so you can own her please if you have balls put her in a mental head lock and educate her because god knows some of the females are out of place and need to be put in the proper place tell a ho to know her roll "-pimp code learn a bitch. A wise man once said such is life haha it burns you right bitch..found this cartoon layout at HOT

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

IF you are business minded and upwardly mobile contact me or if you just have different forms of self expression and feel you have something to give to the world do likewise I am not an agent of talent but I support creativity and self reliance thats right relyin on oneself for income


Reggae hip hop R&b old and new music


80's movies im an 80's baby 90's movies purple rain leroy the last dragon terminator predator short circuit 1&2 and so on you know the old stuff im a keep it movin


old tv reruns cosby show whos the boss basketball games fotball games bommerang channel any thing that takes me to a happier times when i aint had to pay no bills and any thing funny family guy mad T V etc


I'll read it if its about the great history of the black man and anything that instructs you on building business


any one who has ever made it in life I.E tyler perry the have nots and people who made it out the slums by turning their lives around

My Blog

this guy

"this is usally put on bread but in but in 1990 it was the title to a hit song by an r&b group one of its members were a part of two influnetial groups  once in the 80's and and then in the 9...
Posted by young blair aka black orpheus aka jus god on Wed, 07 Feb 2007 08:35:00 PST

i was runnin from power

I was runnin from the power Current mood: calm Category: Dreams and the Supernatural Yo i had this crazy nightmare a black man was holdin power to the head of  a white man but the white ma...
Posted by young blair aka black orpheus aka jus god on Mon, 22 May 2006 03:28:00 PST

survival of the chosen one

Yo Im tryin to survive in a new jungle a concrete jungle if your not stubborn it will make you humble open your eyes dont be blind the system will eat you alive and melt your smile once you begin to r...
Posted by young blair aka black orpheus aka jus god on Sat, 13 May 2006 08:47:00 PST