My name,
for those of you who didn't know already,
is Daniel Smith.
Like most people I have a face that consists of two eyes, one nose and one mouth, I also have two ears, but curiously only one of them allows sound to be heard.
Despite my hearing troubles, I am an avid music enthusiast, particularly of left wing artists and experimentation.
I am always looking to hear something that hasn't been done before.
I am particularly fond of Frank Zappa (as those already acquianted with me should know).
I am primarily a bass guitarist (yes, the joke of the music industry, though I have no idea why) I don't really know what called me to the bass, but I still love it as much today as I did back then (perhaps more so).
Besides music I have a great passion for comedy, particularly comedy of a surreal nature, this does not just include stand up (though that is comedy's finest form in my opinion) but also televised comedy (when well written).
I believe that Political Correctness has spoilt some of the joys of comedy, I really believe that these people need to get a sense of humour. Comedy of all forms should be able to make observations without fear of repercussions.
I am part of a comedy duo with my long-time friend Liam Brierly, we create short sketches mostly of a surreal nature, and we're now starting to discuss sketches and short films of satirical & uneasy natures.
I also enjoy World/Independant Cinema.
Add me on Windows Live: [email protected]