DAVID'S INTERESTS:::Well my interest would include the finer things in life "YEA RIGHT!!!" Well one thing I am into that is pretty fine is my wife hubba hubba.... besides that of course I love God..."who can argue a higher power and creator, sounds a lot better than that monkey thing"... then I am into martial arts, reading, working out "as you can see from my six pack lol", teaching, studying, working and building stuff, handy man things, carpentry, being around people, and kids........ of course I am a guy so i love horse power uhuhuh......Props to my wife:::Beauty From The Ashes- a ministry of restoration
a href="http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3Lndpc2hhZnJpZW
5kLmNvbS9jb3VudGRvd24v" target
YOU.. I love meeting new people
Christian MySpace Graphics
Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics
Myspace Graphics
Christian Glitter GraphicsLike mostly any kind of music,
DAVID: Rudy, Matrix, Facing the Giants
EXTREME Home Makeover and woodworking shows on PBS SaturdaysThis profile was tweaked at MyspaceGeeks.com
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Generators
Myspace Codes
The bible, Anything by John and Stasi Eldridge (Captivating, Wild at Heart, Waking the Dead) Sherlock Holmes, Financial, Counseling/Psychology, Marriage and family, Shakespeare