bikes, turbos, touge, lsd, frwd cars, drift, my dog, and bryan darling. i wish...
Pablo Francisco & Gino the Ginny
-The All American Rejects -The Pixies _Guano Apes -Rise Against -Puddle Of Mudd -Radiohead -The Killers -The Darkness can't think of anything else right now...
-Man on Fire
-Kung Fu Hustle
-Shaolin Soccer
-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle the movie ..1 ..2 ..3
-Miyazaki's Anime
-Initial D
-Forrest Gump
-What Dreams May Come
-The Shinning
-Tekken the Movie-Jakie chan
-Jet Li
the simpsons, viva la bam, malcom in the middle, jackass, andy milanokis show, overhauled, animal planet, formula d, americas most wanted, cops.
Plain White Ts - Hey There Delilah
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