music*seafoods*movie maranthons with buttered popcorn :)*basketball*good books*beach*stars*laeticia casta*strawberry margarita*coconut rum*sweet nothings*caramel sundae*surprises*foodtrips*long drives*soft pillows*choco fudge cake*fighting mode*
Northern Star
COLDPLAY*snow patrol*live*lou pardini*dave matthews band*jars of clay*julia fordham*carrie underwood*mariah carey's daydream album*train*3doors down*stone temple pilots*default*nine days*fall out boy*panic! at the disco*gavin de graw*jack johnson*paolo nutini*the fray
pretty woman*my best friend's wedding*chances are*only you*heart and souls*LOTR Trilogy*the shawshank redemption*MEAN GIRLS*chick flicks*transformers
csi*american idol*crime nights*GOSSIP GIRL*america's next top model*gilmore girls*smallville*ftv*one tree hill*heroes*lost*prison break*
the da vinci code*one hundred years of solitude*the alchemist*by the river piedra i sat down and wept..*if you could see me now*the wedding*if i were you
People who are not afraid to stand up for what they want and believe in..