Rhea profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I’m hard to live with, but harder to live without. I know what I want, but I’m fickle-minded. I’m tough, but I cry at the movies. I'm loud, but can be deafeningly silent. I laugh at the corniest jokes, but I’m serious if I needed to be. I have bad habits, but I have strong values in life. I may not have everything, but I always get what I want. I smile when I’m happy, I smile when I’m not. I stay away from trouble, but I fight back when provoked. My friends, who know me a lot better, would say that I’m carefree. What you see is what you get, no pretensions.

My Interests

music*seafoods*movie maranthons with buttered popcorn :)*basketball*good books*beach*stars*laeticia casta*strawberry margarita*coconut rum*sweet nothings*caramel sundae*surprises*foodtrips*long drives*soft pillows*choco fudge cake*fighting mode*

I'd like to meet:

Northern Star


COLDPLAY*snow patrol*live*lou pardini*dave matthews band*jars of clay*julia fordham*carrie underwood*mariah carey's daydream album*train*3doors down*stone temple pilots*default*nine days*fall out boy*panic! at the disco*gavin de graw*jack johnson*paolo nutini*the fray


pretty woman*my best friend's wedding*chances are*only you*heart and souls*LOTR Trilogy*the shawshank redemption*MEAN GIRLS*chick flicks*transformers


csi*american idol*crime nights*GOSSIP GIRL*america's next top model*gilmore girls*smallville*ftv*one tree hill*heroes*lost*prison break*


the da vinci code*one hundred years of solitude*the alchemist*by the river piedra i sat down and wept..*if you could see me now*the wedding*if i were you


People who are not afraid to stand up for what they want and believe in..

My Blog

One of those moments..

I hardly have the time to contemplate on what's happening around me, and it took one person for me to just stop and think. It again boils down to the one thing that people either love or hate to talk ...
Posted by Rhea on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 06:07:00 PST