The Black Rose (formerly known as RL) profile picture

The Black Rose (formerly known as RL)

For a rose is still a rose; and baby girl you're just a flower...

About Me

So yall want to know more about me! I am just a groovy sistah, trying to stay on "de grine maine"! I have huge goals, one of which is to be the Black female Warren Buffett! I was not designed for the minimal, but for the monumental! People and Culture... Music and Art... Dogs and Languages... you name it I love it! EXCEPT MEAN PEOPLE! STAY CLEAR OF ME AND MINE! I spread love and encouragement wherever I go because it's essential to a fulfilled life. Afterall, part of the reason this world is in chaos is because folk don't want to realize that we are all connected. We are all different, yet when you minimalize life, we're the same. My capacity to love is great and I believe that is why I am the way God created me! We need to stop dividing ourselves, communities, regions, countries... and start to embrace the one thing that matters, HUMANITY! If you don't like how I'm bringing it, I CAN'T DO NUFFIN' FUH' YA MAINE!!

My Interests

Myspace Layouts

I'd like to meet:

I can't wait to meet Fun, FUN, Fun people...anyone who is about anything positive! "LOVE is the key"...Commissioned! Artists, linguists, socialists, philanthropists, archaeologists/anthropologists/scientists, writers, educators, dog-lovers, UNO/ASAP players, CHRISTIANS, NON-CHRISTIANS, blacks, whites, asians, indigenous people from the rural areas of "NOWHERE"... HAHAHAHAHA... you get what I'm sayin'


Jazz, Folk, classical, classic soul/R&B, Blues, British Rock, Old School Hip-Hop, Big Band, Oldies, Baliwood, GOSPEL, Contemporary Christian, Old Skool Reggae&Calypso, opera, BROADWAY show tunes/standards, Hard Rock...NO HEAVY METAL THOUGH!!!


MUSICALS, MUSICALS and more MUSICALS...Cabaret anyone?!!? I also like Horror movies ("Harrar" according to us Bostonians), mysteries, COMEDIES and various documentaries!


I don't watch the crap! It's arsenic to the cerebral cortex!


"Hypocrite in a Pouffy White Dress", "Blackening of the Bible", "Singsation", "Exercises for Osteoporosis", my daily devotional is "My Utmost for His Highest" (CRAZY WISDOM)


Jesus Christo, My Paw & Maw, my siblings and close friends who continue to laugh at adversity, Kim Burrell (SHHANG KIM), Warren Buffett (philanthropist), MLK Jr.(hewas truly a lover), Oswald Chambers (crazy insight this man had), anyone who has every carried a heavy burden but then in the end wound up using that weight as a means of foundation or support!

My Blog


"It's been a long time, I shouldn't've left you without a dope..." blog to read through... read through, read through, read through, read through, read through... ficky ficky ficky Hello my wonde...
Posted by The Black Rose (formerly known as RL) on Wed, 13 Dec 2006 04:52:00 PST

Let me not keep my public in suspense...

So the last time I blogged I was stressed beyond stressed. I have never had to endure so much, as I have these past two months. However, I take comfort in knowing that "it shall pass"! I know that I h...
Posted by The Black Rose (formerly known as RL) on Mon, 09 Oct 2006 03:28:00 PST

A Whole Bunch of NOTHING...

So yeah I don't really have much to say... this week has been crazy, stressful, and did I mention crazy. I have NEVER in my life had the URGE to smoke cigarettes, but this week, if I had had a pack, t...
Posted by The Black Rose (formerly known as RL) on Sun, 01 Oct 2006 09:44:00 PST

Intellect .vs. Spell Check

Posted by The Black Rose (formerly known as RL) on Thu, 21 Sep 2006 07:54:00 PST

9/11 and Niagra Falls/Canada...

So this weekend I went to Niagra Falls with my Japanese, Chinese and South Korean students. We had a lot of fun. Spent some money, had some laughs... overall a good time was had by all! Upon cros...
Posted by The Black Rose (formerly known as RL) on Mon, 11 Sep 2006 07:26:00 PST

I'm not nigga, I'm NEGROE...

"I'm not nigga, I'm negroe... when I become a nigga I'll let you know!" -Donnie, "Colored Section", album So Friday, August 11th, I saw one of my favorite artist in East Village, NY. DONNIE!!! He was ...
Posted by The Black Rose (formerly known as RL) on Tue, 15 Aug 2006 03:41:00 PST


So today I finally put a song on my page. It took me some time to figure out the best song to display. I mean I wanted my song choice to represent where I am in life right now. I wanted it to be ...
Posted by The Black Rose (formerly known as RL) on Tue, 08 Aug 2006 04:21:00 PST

Now, where in de HELL is HE???!!!!

OMG, so my biological clock is tick...tick...ticking. I need to get settled down real soon. I have been reviewing applications for the past 8-9 years and (if I can just be brutally honest) the applic...
Posted by The Black Rose (formerly known as RL) on Thu, 27 Jul 2006 04:07:00 PST

Why do I feel this way...

Why do I feel "_____________"? (Fill in the blank) Everytime these thoughts overtake my mind, I suppress them, I discount them, I come against them... yet and still days later or even weeks later... t...
Posted by The Black Rose (formerly known as RL) on Tue, 25 Jul 2006 04:27:00 PST

Are you familiar with the rumble?...

So when I went to a Fred Hammond concert maybe 4 to 5 yrs. ago, while waiting around after the concert in an attempt to meet him and his band, MY BELLY RUMBLED! It felt as if something BIG was going t...
Posted by The Black Rose (formerly known as RL) on Wed, 19 Jul 2006 03:51:00 PST