chibimaruko ^^jana~fldP profile picture

chibimaruko ^^jana~fldP

Spare me three last words, i love you is all he heard

About Me

Code Tweaks From
A sImpLe wOrD iSn't iT?
It'S uTtErReD eVeRyDaY tO aLmOsT eVeRy pErSoN iMaGiNaBle.
WhO aRe yOuR fRiEnDs?
I uSeD tO tHiNk tHaT fRiEnDs wErE tHe peOplE tHaT yoU cOuLd lAugH and taLk tO.
NoW I kNoW tHaT fRieNdS aReN't tHat, tHeY'rE tHe pEoPle tHat tOuCh uR heArT.
YoU cOulD sPenD hOuRs wiTh tHeM dOinG nOthiNg aT aLL aNd iT cAn bE tHe bEsT tiMe oF yOuR liFe, jUsT bEcauSe iT wAs wiTh thEm.
TheY're tHe pEopLe yoU cAn sHaRe yoUr secRetS wiTh, cRy wiTh, laUgh wiTh, anD jUst haVe fUn wiTh.
ThEy doN't jUdge yoU oR maKe yoU chAnGe.
ThEy aCcepT yoU exActLy aS yoU aRe.
TheY loOk aT yoU anD thEy sEe a gReaT peRsoN, oNe thEy loVe speNdiNg tiMe witH.
YoU all sHaRe somEthiNg iN cOmmOn aNd aRe tiEd tOgetHer bY meMorieS, teaRs, lauGhs and smiLeS.
YoU're tiEd toGetHer bY loVe foR thE OthEr.
FrIenDshIp iS tHe stRanGesT buT grEatEst thiNg iN thE woRld.
I fiNd mY tiMe witH mY fRienDs, tHe beSt timEs of mY life
FrEnz tiL' dA eNd..

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my chEmicAl rOmaNce..mUsE..PuSSycat DoLLs.. SamSons..dEwA 19...all kind of music lorr..except dangdut..huhu=p.


any genre of movies..comedies..romantics...action..etc..


x TGok tV arr..=)


x kisah..noVeL ke..majalAH ke ..komik pOn aku layan ..yg peNting..bESH...hue3:P


my herO's...let me think....ERm..maybe?? mY ****** lorr..huhu.=p