Shit Cuz Im Me!!! Fuck Da Hatas, Da Bullshit, Da Games, and U If U Fit In Any Of Dem Categories Or Just Cant Take Dat Im Real And Gone Say What I Wanna Say!!!! On another hand im smart street wise and otha wise, nice personality, layed back, stay to myself, dont like hoes and yeah everygurl say dat but im serious bout dat shit cuz to be honest i dont dig people like dat, i came n da world alone and ima leave dis bitch by myself, shit hoes be fake and two faced and so do dese niggas, i aint no duck, dont fall in love easily, aint no gold digga cuz i get me me regardless and datz real. And to da niggas when yall think yall playn me think again cuz u might just be getn did n yoself. Im sayn jus like yall niggas think yall got game kno dat i got just az much az yall do, but like i said fuck da games cuz a nigga too old fo dat shit. All im sayn iz dis be true and real wit me and ima do da same fo you. Handle yo bussiness and treat me like im pose to be treated and i got you. Dont let dese hoes influence you to fuck up somethin datz real. Niggas be getn stupid now dayz and dont be realizing what dey got til itz gone and once im gone itz to late. Cuz all i kno to do iz brush off and bounce back. Im Troia Baby and dont gotta problem wit bein a dawg and getn mine and go. But im sayn if im witcha on some seroius shit itz cuz i wanna be for da moment. And I learned da hard way neva put all yo trust in no nigga or anybodyelse n da world. Cuz people dat you love da most can turn out to be yo enemys and be da main ones laughn in yo face and den be talkn boutcha behind yo back. And all yall azz holes dat be letn everybody kno all yall bussiness yall dumb azz fuck u cant trust everybody cuz people will take dat shit and use it against you. BUT EVERY DAWG GOT DEY DAY AND TO ALL DAT CLAIM TO BE REAL WHEN IT COME DOWN TO IT I BET YALL AINT DATZ WHY IMA CLAIM TO BE DA ONLY THING I KNO TO BE AND DATZ ME WHO??? ITZ TROIA BABY!!!!!!!!I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
I edited my profile at , check out these Myspace Layouts!
Name: Latroia
Birthdate: 2-22-89
Birthplace: Duval
Current Location: Same As Birth Place
Eye Color: Dark Azz Brown
Hair Color: Brownish Blackish
Height: 5'5
Weight: 125
Piercings: Who Doesnt
Tatoos: Naw
Boyfriend/Girlfriend: Naw
Overused Phraze: Shut Up
Food: Mac N Cheese
Candy: Hersheys Cookies N Cream
Number: 8
Color: Any Kinda Blue
Animal: My Brotha Troy Lol
Drink: Gatorade
Alcohol Drink: Aint Got One
Bagel: Why
Letter: L
Body Part on Opposite sex: 6 Pack
This or That
Pepsi or Coke: I Dont Do Sodas
McDonalds or BurgerKing: McDonalds
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberry
Hot tea or Ice tea: None
Chocolate or Vanilla Chocalate
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: Hot Chocalate
Kiss or Hug: Both
Dog or Cat: Dog
Rap or Punk: Rap
Summer or Winter:
Scary Movies or Funny Movies: Scary Movies
Love or Money: Money
Bedtime: When Eva I Fall Asleep
Most Missed Memory: My Uncle
Best phyiscal feature: Who Knows
First Thought Waking Up: Thank God I Made It
Goal for this year: Do me
Best Friends: Temika (Da Rest Of Yall Fuck Ya)
Weakness: Who Knows
Fears: Going To Hell
Heritage: Nigga
Longest relationship: 1 Year
Ever Drank: Naw
Ever Smoked: Hell Naw
Pot: Hell Naw
Ever been Drunk: Naw
Ever been beaten up: Hell Naw
Ever beaten someone up: Yeah But Fight A Hoe For What
Ever Shoplifted: Naw
Ever Skinny Dipped: Hell Naw
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: Hell Yeah
Been Dumped Lately: Hell Naw
Favorite Eye Color: Brown
Favorite Hair Color: Black
Short or Long: It All Depends
Height: Taller Than Me
Style: Do Him Long Az He Sexy Wit It
Looks or Personality: Both
Hot or Cute Both
Drugs and Alcohol: Naw But Dey Gone Do It Anywayz
Muscular or Really Skinny: Muscular But Dont Look Like Ya On Steroids
Number of Regrets in the Past: I Dont Regret Shit I Do So None
What country do you want to Visit: Paris
How do you want to Die: However Im Pose To
Been to the Mall Lately: Yeah
Do you like Thunderstorms: Probally
Get along with your Parents: At Times
Health Freak: Hell Yeah
Do you think your Attractive: What U Think
Believe in Yourself: Hell Yeah If I Dont Wont Nobody Else
Want to go to College: Yeah
Do you Smoke: Hell Naw
Do you Drink: Hell Naw
Shower Daily: Shit Yeah
Been in Love: Unfortunately
&..39;Do you Sing:' Hell Yeah
Want to get Married: Only God Knows
Do you want Children: Hell Naw
Have your future kids names planned out: Hell Naw
Hate anyone: For What