Cabbie can you slow down, make this ride last, it's all i've got left but I've got the cash, because at my stop, it all ends, so take it slow
Today I stopped myself from blinking, in fear I'd miss out on something worth seeing...
why does everyone "listen to everything...(except country)" why is "country" singled out...i think if it's a good song it's a good song...fcuck genres...they don't make sense anymore...i love rock...punk, core, rap, blues, jazz, swing, hip-hop, oldies, name it and i'll listen to a good song in that category
oh LOVE twisted dark movies...Se7en, 13 monkeys, donnie darko, the heart is deceitful above all, bully, kids, ken park, fight club, trainspotting, snatch, saw, adaptation, boondock saints, the emerald diamond, BRISTOL BOYS, clerks, cinderella man, any of the ROCKY's, click, cheesy horrow movies(the shittier the better), excorcist, ladder 49, half baked, braveheart, house of 100 corpses, mallrats, mean girls, office space, mystery science theater, (Johnny Depp,vince vaughn, leonardo dicaprio, or brad pitt...not b/c they're hunk either...i happen to like their acting abilities...) talledega nights, super troopers, the fan, beerfest, the elf, old school, you me and dupree...yes i can do this for days...just ask
are you afraid of the dark, pete and pete, csi miami, 24, heroes, aqua teen hunger force, south park, ali G, chappelle show, arrested developement, the office, dirty jobs, drawn together, fresh prince of belair, jackass, monk, myth busters, robot chicken, scrubs, seinfeld,
i'm currently reading "House of Leaves", "tuesday with morrie" and "the five people you meet in heaven" by Mitch Albom...i like charles bukowski's phsycho mind as well
my grandpa...