Art of Life music profile picture

Art of Life music

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What is your favourite Art of Life song ???
Stranger of his own
Railway to freedom
My dirty angel
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Art of Life describes their music as Solid rock – a style they adpted which combines a blend of hard rock and heavey metal. Since 2004, Art of Life has given more than 150 live concerts in which their performances captured the attention of many growing fans. Their powerful music, as impressive as their wild presence on stage, set them among the top bands in the Montreal area.
It all started when Nick and J-L shared some songs they had written to form a band. They went to Gab who was playing bass with the band icewind. Many drummers had joined and left the band through the years and since 2007, they're rocking with Remz on drums.
Art of Life recently released, in may 2008 their second EP, Take that one to heart, which has 5 songs. Now they're playing every now and then in North America in support of their EP and to promote their music. They also released, in november 2005, their first demo album which includes 5 songs. Although, the band already perform more than 25 hits of their own and a lot of covers.
Every single tune has a special meaning for the guys and they are constantly pushing themselves to the limit in the effort of creating the best music ever. Constantly reaching for greater challenges, these guys have a unique sense of melody and a huge passion for music. Their ambition is to save and proclaim rock music and to rise among the finest bands in the world.
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Art of Life est un groupe de solide rock – un style que les gars ont adaptés qui combine le hard rock et le Heavey métal. Depuis 2004, Art of Life a donné plus de 150 concerts et leurs performances leur ont permis d’attirer l’attention de plusieurs fans. Leur puissante musique, accompagnée d’une impressionnante présence sur scène leur a permis de se hisser parmi les groupe de l’heure de la région Montréalaise.
Tout a commencé lorsque Nick et J-L ont partagé des chansons qu'ils ont composé pour formé un groupe. Gab, qui jouait pour le groupe IceWind, a alors joint la formation. Plusieurs batteurs ont joué avec le groupe et depuis 2007, Remz est le batteur officiel.
Art of Life a récemment lancé sont deuxième EP, Take that one to heart, qui contient 5 chansons. Maintenant, le groupe fait des spectacles un peu partout en Amérique du Nord pour supporter leur album et promouvoir leur musique. Ils ont aussi enregistré un EP de 5 chansons en 2005. Ils ont composé plus de 25 chansons qu'ils jouent live en plus de plusieurs reprises.
Chaque composition possède une signification spéciale pour les gars qui travail avec acharnement afin de créer la meilleure musique possible. Constamment à la recherche de nouveau défis, les gars de Art of Life possède un sens raffiné de la mélodie et une énorme passion pour la musique. Leur ambition est de garder le rock en vie et de se hisser parmi les meilleurs groupes au monde.
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Member Since: 11/6/2004
Band Members: Nick Mailloux : Vocals, guitars
J-L Dessureault : Guitars
Gab Mailloux : Bass, back vocals
Remz Loiselle : Drums
Caro Belzile : Violin, piano, back vocals, percussions

EP - Take that one to heart (2008) - 10$

Broken wings
My dirty angel
Save your smile
A part of life

EP - Demo album (2005) - 7$

Stranger of his own
Railway to freedom
Right or wrong

[email protected]
Influences: Anything !!!
Record Label: looking for

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